Monday 31 January 2011

State of the Street: January 2011

We're at the end of another month and you know what that meants...another blog post discussing the state of things on Coronation Street this past month.

We said goodbye to Claire Peacock and her chicks because she'd pushed Tracy and accidentally caused a serious head injury. Tracy, of course, set out to cause as much damage as possible and blamed Becky. Now she's out of hospital and hell-bent on revenge. The War of the Websters continues. John Stape has broken into little emotionally wrought pieces. Nick has sunk to new lows. Read all about the State of the Street here.


  1. Tvor, I'm not getting through on the link at the moment.

  2. Correct url below (there's a second url embedded in the wonky one above)

  3. Sorry about that, i've fixed it. thanks for catching that!
