Wednesday 19 January 2011

Interview with Paula Lane and Katherine Kelly

Paula Lane and Katherine Kelly are both nominated in next week's National Television Awards, Paula for Best Newcomer and Katherine for Best Drama Performance (Good luck, ladies!).

In the Manchester Evening News today, there's a long interview with them both. Each of them is very supportive of and full of praise for the other. Katherine lauds Paula for jumping into a front burner storyline from the start, which isn't easy on a young actor. Paula is grateful for all the help Katherine gave her.

The two of them will be glammed up for the awards next week, making a change from their usual tacky gear. Will either of them come home with a gong? Katherine doesn't think she can come out on top of her competition. It's a tough call but I reckon Paula does have a good chance at winning in her category. She's one of the best newcomers on Coronation Street in some time, I think. She's playing the heck out of it and though Kylie isn't on our screens at the moment, she'll be back to cause more havoc, I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. Really surprised that Kylie is nominated for best newcomer. I guess the actress is portraying the part well, but in terms of character she is a really poor addition to the cast IMO. She has no redeeming qualities, and the storyline has been quite far fetched.
