Saturday 18 December 2010

View online plans for new Coronation Street

ITV have now formally submitted plans to Trafford Council for the new Coronation Street site at Media City.  Here's the science bit: "Full planning application for demolition of existing industrial building and erection of a drama production facility comprising studios, storage buildings, stage buildings, and set structures with development ancillary thereto, including security buildings, car parking, access, boundary treatment and public open space. "

You can view the whole application online at Trafford Council website. (Click on View Documents and Plans at the bottom of that linked page).

See also: What the Granada move means for Coronation Street fans


  1. Also worth noting the blue dotted line surrounding the set is areas earmarked for expansion :]

  2. I especially like that around the actual set there is car parks... which means in the future they could expand and add in new streets/buildings!

  3. Also it's totally out of public view - no more leaks!

  4. Still that daft bridge next to the Rovers though and only a tiny bit of Victoria Street. How is this better again?

  5. There's no way to get round the Victoria Street problem though. It's long been established that it's a long, straight, main street, like so many terraces in Manchester. If you get rid of the fake arch by the Rovers then you have to basically commit to building a street of houses for no reason other than for appearance's sake.

    At the moment I don't see the need for an expansion of the set. Victoria Court has been completely underused since it was built - Nick Tilsley is living in his mum's spare bedroom rather than there - and there will be places like number one and Janice's flat coming up for grabs soon.

  6. It's not just #corrie that's made by Granada, they have produced many dramas and comedy series over the year and their doesn't appear to be much in the way of space for other external sets for other series. I hope this doesn't mean that Southern jessie TV (ITV) isn't going to make Granada into a one-trick pony for drama. But I suppose with crap like Jermey Kyle, dancing on Ice, BGT, X-Factor, etc ITV is past it as a force for good all round entertainment.
