Tuesday 2 November 2010

Who would you like to see survive the tram crash?

It's getting closer to T-day (Tram day), the rumours are flying and we're all thinking about it.

I was going to ask, who would you like to see killed off in the forthcoming tram crash, but quite frankly I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I'm quite fond of most of the Coronation Street characters, and I'm not keen on seeing any of them killed, maimed, or emotionally traumatised. I also enjoy a pot of tea and a jam ring while I'm watching, and they don't go well with a "bloodbath".

So, I've given the question a positive spin.

My own survivors would be - ALL of the "oldies" - Emily, Betty, Rita, Norris, Audrey, Ken, Deirdre. Deirdre's not a real "oldie" but she's of that ilk. I'm gutted that Jack and Liz are out, even before the crash. Enough already with the older ones.

I'd also keep Steve McDonald, Lloyd, Eileen, all the Barlow clan except Tracy - only we know she's definitely returning for a bust up on Christmas Eve (yawn) and including Leanne - all the Websters, all the Platt clan including Nick, Carla, Fiz (love Fiz!), Stape, Chesney, Owen, Jason, and all the Windasses including evil uncle Len who I really wish would re-appear at some point. I'd quite like Dev to stay - IF they can "stabilise" the character. Beyond that, I'm not that bothered. Mind you that's practically the whole cast!

I'm hoping that the crash isn't going to be total carnage, but, on the other hand, I hope it isn't going to be a let-down after all this build up.  I feel like one of these old women, knitting gleefully beside the guillotine!


  1. I'd like to see....

    maybe Michelle
    and i don't really know who else but i'm sure i would want others to survive!

    There are one or two characters there... and if they got killed I WOULD stop watching... and i don't think i have ever been more serious than this in my life!!!!!!!

  2. I just think it's a totally inappropriate storyline for the 50th anniversary.

  3. I'd be happy to see Molly, Mary, new Doctor Whatsit and Owen go, ASAP, by tram or otherwise. I've never liked Michelle, but she's good with Carla, so maybe she will be redeemed by the factory job. Dev could stay, too, but only if he is scared or medicated back into a normal human being with the ability to modulate his voice; he used to be fun. Sadly, though, I'm sure we'll see the end of Bill, Pam and either Betty, Emily or Rita -- none of these wonderful oldsters have had much standalone impact for a long time. And quirk-a-riffic Stape, which will lead to months of Maria-post-Liam-like misery for Fiz.

  4. How can you keep Owen, he's the most horrible character EVER! (ok behind Tina's dad)

    I'd AXE Aunty Pam! PLEASE.
    Axe Owen.

    Keep: Websters, Carla, Platts, Becky..

  5. My choice is for Maria, Michelle, Graham, Tina and of course the "oldies" as well. However I would love to see Molly, Claire and Rosie go. They are in my opinion the three most annoying characters on Corrie at the moment.

  6. I am hoping that Dev will die, and Becky as well, although I doubt either will happen, more's the pity. And I hope Rita survives.

  7. I'd like to see Tina , Graeme , Sophie , Sian , Norris , Rita and David survive.

    I would like Nick Tisley to be killed but i doubt my wish will come ttue.

  8. Tina, Carla & Michelle to go. Kylie too if she shows her face again.

    All females I notice - OK, get rid of Norris too, he's so annoying.

    Pity we can resurrect the dead, I really miss Tony Gordon.

  9. The thing is, we already know the Peacocks and Molly are leaving. We know or are pretty sure Charlotte will be killed by Stape. I expect the real drama will be in who survives and is seriously injured. I do hope Rita survives seeing as how her flat will likely be destroyed and i also hope Graeme and yes, even Tina, survive as their flat will be in bits as well when the corner shop is hit. It happens at night from the look of all the photos so chances are good people will either be in the new bar or the Rovers. The people in the new bar will be the ones most at risk obviously.

  10. Is Liz leaving then?

  11. Liz is leaving in the New Year.

  12. Can Dev go please?! He is just so 'slushy'. Aunty Pam doesn't seem to have a role, other than she knows about Molly and Kev, but they cannot run on the single storyline forever.

    I would definitely keep the 'oldies', particularly Rita, Norris, Emily.

    The 'kids' Sophie, Sian can stay (!!) but as long as they don't feature too much - I have difficulty in hearing what they are saying !!

  13. I'd keep Rita, Norris, Emily, Ken, Deirdre, Betty, Steve, Audrey, Gail, Roy, Anna, Eileen, John, Chesney, Katy, Owen, Graeme, David, Dev, Sally, Sophie, Sian and Julie. The others I wouldn't fret much about tbh.

  14. Is it wrong to hope that Tracy will return only to be decapitated by a piece of flying shrapnel? Yes?
    Oh dear..
    Rebecca in TO...

  15. These are the characters I personally would like to see the back of: Becky, Dev, Rosie, Molly, Stape, Michelle,Tina, Gail, David Claire and Ashley

  16. I'd like Carla, Steve, Julie, all the oldies, Ken and Deirdre, Leanne, Peter and Simon, The Windasses, The Websters, The Platts, Graeme, Mary, The Croppers and Auntie Pam to survive.

    I'd like to see the back of..Maria, Michelle and Becky. I'm bored of them.

    Others i'm not really fussed about.

  17. Oh and Molly. Tram her!

  18. John in Cincinnati4 November 2010 at 04:03

    kill off Tracy Barlow..she is nowt but an evil cow.

  19. I'm hoping that Sophie & Sian survive and go on to provide lots more ripplingly hot young nubile lesbo action ......

    Oh dear, did I just say that out loud?
