Sunday 7 November 2010

Review: Coronation Street The Album - Rogues, Angels, Heroes and Fools

If you're wondering whether the new Coronation Street Album Rogues, Angels, Heroes and Fools is any good and worth buying for a Christmas present for the Corrie fan in your life - or even for yourself - then read on.

I'll start first with what's disappointing about it. Sorry, but there you go! It's being plugged and sold as a Coronation Street Album but in truth, very few of the songs have Corrie cast members on them and are mainly sung by other,  professional singers.  However, that's the only dissapointment I can report because despite that, I really enjoyed it.

It opens with William Roache (Ken) speaking against an emotive version of the theme tune and then there's some original dialogue taken direct from the very first  Corrie scene from December 1960.  So the mood is set straight away, I already had a lump in my throat at this point, it worked very well.  But then it got a bit confusing because while the songs were about Corrie, there were singers I'd never heard of pretending to be Coronation Street characters.

Kym Marsh sings a couple of the songs including my favourite of the whole album, a duet with Rachel Leskovac, who played Natasha. Their song is "He's My Man" with Kym singing as Elsie Tanner and Rachel as Bet Lynch in a wonderfully gutsy, soaring song.

Katherine Kelly does a fab ballad which is going to be the first single released, called "If It's Too Late".  Kevin Kennedy, who played Curly Watts, is by far the best singer on the album and he sings a great song called "Curly's Song, Your Star Shines So Bright" which includes original dialogue between Curly and Racquel when Curly points out the star he bought for his wife, naming it Mrs Racquel Watts.

It's a bit of a mixed bag, this album. It sounds as if it's a soundtrack to a musical stage show rather than a stand-alone album.  And if that's the case, then I can't wait to see Coronation Street The Musical because the songs are poppy, bouncy and full of fun.  Some of the lyrics sound as if they've been penned by Victoria Wood. For instance on the song "Sweet Butterfly" which is sung by someone called Andrew Derbyshire, confusingly singing as and pretending to be Sean Tully, the line: "I was meant for more than sewing gussets" gets to rhyme with " I could have run or walked or bussed it" - which made me smile a lot. 

The last track on the album is called "Eh Chuck" and is the only one to feature various members of the current cast on it including Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley), Sam Aston (Chesney), Jack P Shepherd (David), Betty Turpin (Betty), David Neilson (Roy), Malcolm Hebden (Norris), Alan Halsall (Tyrone), Michelle Keegan (Tina), Andrew Whyment (Kirk) and Debbie Rush (Anna).

I did wonder why, with the wealth of singing talent they've got on the Coronation Street cast, more cast members weren't singing on the album instead of turning it over to professional singers trying to sing as and pretending to be Coronation Street characters.  That was a bit confusing, and as I said above, disappointing for this fan.  But it's still very, very good and I highly recommend it. 

Find out more about the Coronation Street Album here.

In a nutshell: Is it worth buying? Yes.


  1. Thanks for the review Flaming Nora, I have asked my sister in the UK to pick me up a copy, as it is only sold at Tesco, and they won't take credit cards from, or ship to outside the UK. :-(

    I wonder why they had to get a stand-in for Sean Tully, when Antony Cotton is a very good singer? To me, it would make more sense to have the professionals sing for the deceased characters and have the able current and past cast sing for themselves.

  2. I can't believe Tesco are not selling overseas, they've missed a trick there!

  3. Andrew Derbyshire is a fairly experienced musical theatre singer.

    But I have no idea why Antony Cotton wasn't allowed to sing. (Or, for that matter, a great many of the other good singers in the cast)

    Again, it's Kym Marsh, Kym Marsh, Kym Marsh.

  4. Yes, and she could have sung as herself, and had a non-cast member sing for Elsie Tanner.

  5. Hello everyone, hope you don't mind us posting in the forum. Thanks for the brilliant review :)
    We're happy to say there's loads of Corrie stars on the album – 23 altogether!
    Kym Marsh does 3 out of the 10 tracks, Kate does the big single which comes out on 6th December. Kevin Kennedy performs as Curly, Brian Capron does his as Richard Hillman, William Roache opens it and the track Eh Chuck has 10 big Corrie stars. Oh, and of course there some original dialogue featuring people like Helen Worth and Julie Goodyear. For the older or deceased characters we tended to use character voices who could perform their vocals.
    As you picked up on in the review, the project has been written with the intention of becoming a musical. So some of the songs are very tough to sing! We're big fans of Anthony Cotton but Andrew Derbyshire is rated as one of the best singers in the world and has the sort of range you need to sing these very demanding songs.
    Here’s a list of all the Corrie stars on the album:
    William Roache
    Katherine Kelly
    Kym Marsh
    Rachel Leskovac
    Kevin Kennedy
    Brian Capron
    James Roache
    Helen Worth
    Julie Goodyear
    Liz Dawn
    Betty Driver
    Malcolm Hebden
    Sam Aston
    Alan Halsall
    Andy Whyment
    Michelle Keegan
    Debbie Rush
    Julie Hesmondhalgh
    David Nielson
    Sarah Lancashire
    Jack P Shepherd
    Bill Tarmey
    It’s out on 29th November. Not long now! Go to our various sites for updates and to find out how you can pre-orer:
    Official website
    The Corrie Album team x
