Tuesday 2 November 2010

No Brainer: Friday Oct 29, 2010 Corrie Episode Review



Written by David Lane, directed by Durno Johnston

Another day at Underworld, another memorial flower delivery.  Michelle takes it up on herself to make the flower arrangement designed in the letter C, taken away andOct-29-2010-C disposed of before Carla could see it.  C, Carla, get it?  Michelle goes to see Maria in the salon and tells her about the flowers figuring they’re something to do with Tony.  They can’t imagine who could be doing this and Michelle figures it might not be anything to do with either of them.  Yeah, that’s more like it.  Michelle tells Maria that Carla’s not as strong as she comes across to be and that Maria’s probably tougher than she is.  Maria says she’ll ring Pat, Tony’s brother, to see if the date is significant.  Michelle hopes it’s all just a practical joke.  If this is a joke, then you’ve still got a problem. 

Oct-29-2010-Maria-shocked Later, John finds out from Julie and Fiz that there was a ‘C’ wreath left on the steps of Underworld and he buckles.  They tell him that Michelle Connor’s taken care of it.  John goes to the Rovers to try and interject himself Maria and Michelle’s conversation over the mystery “C.”  He hears that Michelle has chucked the wreath out back and he’s off.  John asks Michelle if the wreath had a message.  She says it had something to do with a scholar, whatever that meant. 

Steve suspects that Ciaran might playing away on Michelle, but he’s really playing away on Steve and the Rovers.  Steve dithers on about what Nick and Leanne know about running a bar, clearly worried about the competition.  Becky’s in a state since Max is gone and goes to her chores with her bad face on and all.  Steve tells Becky that he’s upset about Max also.  Becky complains to Roy about what’s happened to Max looking for someOct-29-2010-Kylie-Steve-negotiation comfort.  Roy looks for the best in people and tries to convince Becky that Kylie has an “I’ll show them” attitude and maybe she will.  Becky doesn’t seem so confident.  To make matters worse, Anna comes in and tells them that she’s going to have brothers to adopt.  Brothers, can you imagine?! 

At the bar later, Becky breaks into sobs when Anna comes in and talks about her new potential adopted child to Michelle.  Later, somewhere on some back street Steve finds Kylie.  Kylie insists that she and Max are out of that dump.  Steve tries to convince her not to take Max to Cyprus, but Kylie is as hard-headed as her sister.  Steve tries to crack a deal with Kylie and tells him that Max stays there and she goes alone and then Max can go over when Dmitri and she are settled.  Steve sells it as a “no brainer.” Kylie agrees, so Steve Oct-29-2010-Ashley-Claire goes home to break the news to Becky.  Becky’s surprised that Kylie has agreed to this and Steve added that he told her that he’d give her a bit of cash also.  Kylie shows up at the Rovers and tells Becky and Steve that she wants twenty grand and they can keep Max – for good.  Steve and Becky are left stunned.    

At the Peacock’s, Claire’s fussing over Ashley since he’s been newly diagnosed with angina.  He’s happy with it all until he sees that his breakfast now consists of low fat yoghurt and prunes as opposed to his usual fry-up.  Claire is only looking out for his health.  Oh, Ashley what have you done now?  She puts the cherry on top and tells Ashley that beer is off limits too, to which he was in shock and awe.  Ashley takes his medication out of the blister packs and into a container instead.  What is he up to?  Graeme comes by but Claire doesn’t want Ashley going to work.  Ashley insists that Graeme go to work with him and not her.  Ashley heads straight into Roy’s for a fry-up.  Ashley confesses to Graeme that he’s not got angina, only indigestion.  Graeme tells him he can forget about his love life since he’s got a dickey ticker and he’s a liar. 

Ashley figures he has to come clean and Graeme suggests him telling her that the hospital got it wrong. He figures that’s his best option, so he goes to tell her now.  Back at home, Joshua has decided to play “doctor” (that’s a little ironic, no?) and has given Freddie his pills.  Claire finds – what she believes – to be Ashley’s heart pills and freaks out.  Ashley came back home just in time for Claire to panic over the fact that Freddie needs to go to hospital since he’s taken his heart pills. 


Written by Debbie Oates, directed by Durno Johnston

Steve and Becky are shocked that Kylie is trying to sell her child.  Becky tries to haggle with Kylie though but Steve says they’ve not got the money.  Kylie says they betterOct-29-2010-Dmitri hurry up since she needs sun and her skin is looking like a misery.  Well, at least it’ll match her personality.  When Kylie leaves Becky and Steve fight over whether or not to pay for Max.  Becky tries to go off to see Max and insists to Steve she’s only going to say goodbye.  Steve tries to tell her that they’ll go and visit him as soon as they can.  Becky continues to be her ridiculous childish self as she starts smashing things around the Rovers living room since she cannot have Max.  Becky thinks they should just buy Max but Steve tells her it’s wrong.  Becky gives Steve the sad “I’m a poor unfortunate unworthy soul” speech and makes him feel that this is her last chance to have a child.  Becky tells Steve she wishes someone had bought her, and this does it for Steve.  He decides that they’ll pay Kylie for Max. 

Steve and Becky go over to the place that Kylie staying at but they only find Dmitri.  And he’s wearing nothing but his shorts, some sneakers and a shower cap whilst doing the ironing.  Count that another man for the ironing on Corrie!  Oh, I forgot to mention that he was listening to Wham! on his iPod.  Are we sure that Dmitri is of…the Kylie persuasion?  In his broken English he tries to tell them that Kylie and Max aren’t there, so Becky wants to wait.  Becky sees a paper reserving two tickets and figures that Kylie’s already left with Max and that possibly Dmitri is joining them later, then she sees Max and Kylie walk in.  Kylie demands her cash since her flight is in three hours but Steve hasn’t got it.  Steve says that he can only give her the money next week, but she says he better reimburse her for her plane tickets Oct-28-2010-Claire-Shocked that night she’s already paid for.  When he does this, she agrees to wait until next week. 

At the Peacock’s Claire wants to know why Ashley took his pills out of the box and is in a state trying to find them.  Ashley insists that she’s overreacting.  He finally admits that he’s only got indigestion and that those weren’t heart pills.  Freddie should be fine since he only took indigestion pills but Claire wants to take him anyway.  Later, Ashley is upset and Eileen tells him that she’ll come ‘round, which is more than she thinks she would.  Ashley tells Claire that France isn’t right for him, even if it’s right for her.  Claire was worried when taking Freddie to the hospital thinking that they might think that she had poisoned Freddie.  She needs to get away and tells Ashley that she and the boys are going to France without him.  Oct-29-2010-Note-Scholar

Well, depend on John Stape to solve a mystery with a lie.  He tells Michelle that Tony probably had another woman who was the one that left the C for Carla to find.  Michelle wonders why he’s so suspicious and John nervously says he was just musing.  John goes out back and finds the card that came with the wreath and it reads “no resting place for a scholar.”  Immediately, he knows that that wreath was intended for Colin and I’m sure he’s thinking that Charlotte had sent it.  John tears up the note and throws it in the bin.  He gets a shock as a masked – like death – Eileen comes dressed up for Halloween around the back ginnell with Joshua. 

Ciaran hasn’t told Liz yet that he’s quitting Rovers to go to Nick and Leanne’s new bar.  Michelle says that she’ll probably kill him.  Michelle wants him to be a big boy and just to tell her.  Leanne is shocked that Ciaran hasn’t told Liz that he’s quitting yet.  Leanne wants it done soon as, as this turns Peter on so Leanne goes with it. 


- Ashley upon seeing his new breakfast of low-fat yoghurt and prunes, “I’m a butcher!” 

- Graeme handing Ashley some “get well” grapes, “and in case you’re wondering they are NOT the same grapes you brought me last week.”  Yes, they are. 

- Ashley: “Graeme, do you think I’m completely daft?”  Graeme: “I’m beginning to.”  I couldn’t agree more. 

- Julie to Claire, “You live across from Underworld.  Did you see anything strange this morning?”  Claire: “Janice Battersby turning up on time?” 

- Steve: “Who sells a child?”  Becky: “Your ex tried to sell Amy to the Croppers.”  Exactly. 

- Becky and Steve arriving at the place that Kylie’s “staying at” to find Dmitri ironing in his shorts, sneakers and…a shower cap?  And the moment afterwards when Steve looks at him funny for it and he whips it off.  What was he doing – deep conditioning?! 

- A masked Eileen and Joshua scaring the bejesus out of John Stape as he’s feeling haunted by Colin Fishwick.  This whole murder-mystery subplot is really getting quite funny when it’s in the backdrop. 


- Michelle “just hoping” that the floral “C” arrangement left at Underworld and the RIP flowers before are all just part of a practical joke.  Is she an idiot?  David Platt’s in court and Tracy is in jail, so who else would be sick enough to come up with that?  If this is a joke, they’ve still got one hell of an issue on their hands. 

- Does Ashley really think he can get away with pretending to have angina when he only has indigestion?

- Kylie doesn’t want to give up her life and opportunities just for Max.  What a rubbish mother!  Oh, then selling her child for twenty grand. 

- Joshua ironically playing “doctor” to Freddie.  A little ironic, considering his biological father is a doctor. 

- Ugh, so tired of flimsy stroppy Becky just doing whatever pleases her despite anything that Steve says.  How does Steve get any work done all day? 


  1. All the "C for Carla" stuff make me think of this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-vAlR3-Ovg

  2. This twenty grand storyline - what the..? will Kylie not just come back and want more dosh? or, just take Max back, which she'd be quite entitled to do? and where have social services gone?

  3. The Garden Pixie3 November 2010 at 09:08

    Newsflash to writhers this Kylie business is just becoming BORING, of course she comes back AGAIN, its becoming like groundhog day. Another story dragged out to the point when we are screaming. I think some of the writers ought to catch the tram!
