Tuesday 2 November 2010

More Corrie tram crash pictures online

There's more pictures from filming of the Coronation Street tram crash over at the official ITV Corrie website.

And this picture here is of Craig Charles, who plays cabbie Lloyd Mullaney. 

Newly-released pictures from behind the scenes show the actor learning how to perform a stunt outside a burning house in the aftermath of the tram crash. After the tram smashes into the Alahans' corner shop, a fire spreads through the Peacocks' home next door. Lloyd, who is unaware of whether anyone is trapped inside the house, gets propelled to the ground as a huge blast blows through the door.


  1. I really hope Lloyd doesn't die!

  2. I don't get this. Phil Collinson was adamant in interviews that he wants to keep the storyline under wraps as much as possible. It's difficult if the press are sending helicopters over the set, but why do ITV keep putting galleries of photos out?

    I also hope Lloyd doesn't die!

  3. HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY!! Lol!!!

  4. here's hoping the blast is strong enough to blow Claire to France . . .

  5. Who lives in #13?

  6. Oh not Lloyd as well as Rita! what's going ON!

  7. If you ask me they're neglecting the programme at the moment to bring us the crash. I'm so sick of Becky I feel like weeping when she does another 'we're not right together Steve' speech when she doesn't get her own way. I'm sick of Tina who garners no sympathy no matter what happens to her because she is so inherently unlikeable.
    i was delighted when Phil Collinson took over as producer; I admired his work on Doctor Who, but he's giving it the same end of season special effects laden episode to the detriement of the entire show. Sue Cleaver gets an extension on her contract to play another twelve months of Eileen and Liz and Claire are off (I it was Bev's decision but still!).
    Thank goodness for John Stape and David Platt, Ken, Peter and Deirdre Barlow is all I can say.
    And one more thing, Julie is not in any credible as a character and the scene with her singing Neil Diamond was unbearable.
    If Rita leaves I will be devastated.

  8. Omg - Shocker - Is the WHOLE STREET? Gonna Go up in flames? Tina And G? They LIVE ABOVE DEV'S SHOP

  9. The Garden Pixie3 November 2010 at 12:28

    I am so tired of "who is going to die in the crash" - is this what we are going to get in the run up to Christmas? Let it be a surprise/shock when it happens.

  10. I certainly agree that they've changed Tina into an unlikeable little miss and very one dimensional. She used to be quite sparky and cute. She still has her moments when she's winding up Norris but that's about it. I can't agree with one commenter about Julie though, I just love her! I wish she'd get a front burner storyline again.

  11. Rita doesn't die!!!
    and Craig Charles who plays Lloyd has signed a 1 year contract!!!

    I know who I want to survive... I love her and I honestly think the street just will not be the same if she dies!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am ot saying anything though!
