Monday 8 November 2010

Jack and Vera day

Today is Jack and Vera day. I know tonight I will be in floods of tears, because, Jack and Vera are more than just characters, they're people, the only two characters who in all of soapland actually seemed to love each other. And we will all miss them, lots!


  1. Sally, Vancouver BC8 November 2010 at 03:10

    I loved Jack & Vera. As you said, they did seem to love each other - they were one couple on the Street everyone of us could relate to in some aspect or another. Great actors both. From the way Vera always thought the best of Terry, to Jack consoling her, they were awesome.

  2. Jack and Vera were always favourites of mine too, as a couple. Individually, i think i favoured Vera but Jack in his day could be a laugh as well, the schemes and ducking/diving he'd get up to. Not the same type of couple, but Roy and Hayley certainly have the enduring love.

  3. I agree 100%, Chewy. Tears are rolling down my face just looking at the publicity photos!
