Monday 8 November 2010

Farewell, Jack Duckworth.

How sad was tonight's Coronation Street?  We all knew he was going, but by 'eck, it was done well.  Ta-ra then, Jack, lad. You'll be well missed.


  1. I loved this episode, so sad, I shed a tear. The scene with Liz Dawn was also done perfectly.

  2. Shed loads of tears, loved the episode as well

  3. It was brillant....The scene with Vera was brillant. I loved when Jack asked her "Have you been waiting on me?"
    I shed more than a tear. Goodbye Jack you will be missed.

  4. A lump in my throat when Ty said: 'Bye Dad'. Vera coming back was well played and the scenes in the Rovers were golden with all the stalwarts there: Ken, Emily, Rita, Audrey and Betty. Brilliant episode and even though I wasn't a fan of Jack, I will miss him.

  5. All designed to mark the retirement of a long-standing cast member, of course, but none the worse for that.

    Nice touches: Ken raising his half of Newton & Ridley to Jack as he walks out the door of the Rover's for the last time. Jack saying goodbye to his pigeons. Jack drinking in the sights, sounds and smells of the street he has loved for forty-odd years for one last time.

    It reminded me of a native American going off to die because he just knows it's time, or the heart breaking scene at the end of Manon des Sources with a devastated Yves Montand brushing his hair and dressing in his Sunday best suit before lying on his bed to pass away.

    Or Depardieu's masterful playing of Cyrano de Bergerac's last breath - "C'est mon panache !"

    Lovely stuff.

  6. beautiful...ken raising his glass, jack giving a nod, kind of letting us all know that that was it...and then one of the most moving scenes in soap history, swaying away with his little swampduck...emotional and poignant

  7. And that camera-shot, pulling up through the ceiling, through the bedroom above and away through the roof to linger over the street. Genius. I know some were concerned that the Vera's ghost concept could come off as cheesy, but it was perfectly judged, largely due to the perfect playing of Bill and Liz. Lovely that we got to see them together one last time. Nice to think that's what it would be like for all of us, eh?

  8. I knew I'd shed tears. A perfect send-off... just perfect.

  9. it really was perfect, even having Vera there was perfect. I've heard one or two people predict that was going to be fantasy/schtick but you know, it really happens. Why my dad was in hospital in the last few days, twice he saw someone in the room that had passed. We wondered that he might have been dreaming but I do think he saw them, they came to let him know they'd be there waiting just like Vera has been waiting for Jack.

    Ken nodding to Jack, made me think that somewhere Ken may have had a feeling about Jack. Or maybe it was just a nice touch which it was.

    Did Jack release his pigeons? I saw one fly up didn't i? I can't watch it again just yet.... *sniff*

  10. Yes I thought the same, It gave that feeling that Ken may have had a thought that something was up,it was a nice touch though, also having Vera back seemed so right and it sat comfortable, it was like she had never been away,- a fitting end of 30 odd years of the Duckworth's, the street won't be the same again!

  11. I hope Connie stays though!!- such a natural northern character!!

  12. just so so sad -just makes you think u see sombody grow old infront of your eyes andthen suddenly that person dies in front of your eyes - it was like loosing a family - couldnt stop the tears - as a kid jack andvera used to make me laugh so much - it was such a good ending -exactly the wa it should be

  13. That London rubbish set in the East End murders its iconic characters - eg Wendy Richard, Leslie Grantham. Corrie shows how to screen departures in a moving, classy way. I hope this wins "Best Exit" in next years awards. It should.

    Jack's party conveyed the warmth of cast members young and old, new or veteran for Jack, but clearly it was really for Bill. The saddest part was that in their brief, moving scene together, neither Bill nor Liz looked well, but I hope both of them have a long, happy and well deserved retirement.

  14. Awwww, sniff, sniff! Perfick. I'm still weepy.

  15. The Garden Pixie9 November 2010 at 08:01

    Very poignant episode and lovely to see Vera back 'to take him' sob! This interjected with the banal nonsense which is Sophie and Sian's "angst".

  16. I started getting teary as soon as Jack made the speech thanking everyone for the past 30 years- it seemed all too real! Brilliant episode. I will miss Jack a lot.

  17. John in Cincinnati9 November 2010 at 23:33

    it was beautifully done. I cried like a baby.

  18. I balled my eyes out!! My dad looks very like Jack and it hit a bit close to home!!
