Thursday 4 November 2010

Coronation Street through the years: 1980's

In the early 1980's, builder Len Fairclough rebuilt No.7 Coronation Street, which had collapsed back in the 1960's. It is easy to tell it apart from the other houses, due to it's brickwork and double glazed windows, and to complement this rather modern house, Vera Duckworth got her house cladded a she wanted to add a touch of glamour to the street.

Also the Corner Shop got a makeover tranforming from a corner shop into Alf's mini-market. In the 1980's, Corrie moved from the old set to the current one, which was opened by Queen Elizabeth II.

With the set move, the producers could finally incorparate Rosamund Street into the set, the building added was the Graffiti club. In 1989, a property developer called Maurice Jones, bought Baldwin's Casuals, and the community center, then demolished them and replaced them with a factory unit, garage, two shops and three houses, and also a shop unit under the viaduct.

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