Thursday 21 October 2010

Tracy wants Steve back?

With the impending return of murderess Tracy Barlow to the Street, we keep hearing that Tracy wants Steve back. My reaction? Huh??? Various references to them getting back together over the years since Amy was born seem to imply they were once a couple. They were not! Steve had a one night stand with Tracy on his birthday when he thought Karen was not coming back to him. The next day he then went out to find her and persuaded her to return. After Amy was born, Steve pretended to want to get together with her so he could get custody/access. That's the extent of their "relationship" aside from co-parenting.

And yes, Tracy might have had a crush on Steve when she was a kid but it wasn't very apparent while she was an adult the few times she was on screen so don't give me this lifelong "love" business, either. A one night stand with a childhood infatuation turned into an obsession or some rough semblence of love, Tracy-Barlow-style (which is more like Dangerous Liasons at the best of times!). Full Stop. I'm sure she's had a lot of time to convince herself it's more than that, being locked up and I'm sure she's going to cause lots of trouble. I'm not looking forward to her being back but this too shall pass.


  1. im with you-wants him back they eants him full stop

    and im dreading her return

  2. I will be fast-forwarding through every scene with her in it. It's either that, or stop watching Corrie altogether. Whoever thought this was a good idea should be shot.

  3. I love Tracy - I can't wait to watch her gurning and wreaking havoc all over the cobbles! Maybe she'll make out with David again - *barf*!

  4. The Garden Pixie21 October 2010 at 17:29

    Too right that she never had a "proper" relationship with Steve, from what I remember he couldnt stand her and as there was DNA test, it was never actually proved that Amy was his.

  5. I agree with Digger. Don't understand why she was re-hired and will be dreading those scenes. Absolutely awful.

  6. The grating whine and that awful grin...I don't which I dislike the most. Please please send her back to prison as soon as possible for as long as possible.

  7. I'm with Digger, only fast forward isn't fast enough!

