Friday 8 October 2010

ITV release explosive pictures of tram crash filming

ITV have released pictures of the filming of the  Coronation Street tram crash. They have confirmed that an explosion takes place seconds before the tram arrives. The snaps are brilliant to say the least, Corrie are really going all out with this stunt.

Picture credit: alias alias from the Digital Spy forums.


  1. looks like theirs gonna be a gas explosion in the bar and the roof of the bar caves in and that how the tram crashes into coronation st that's my theory of how the tram crashes

  2. Yeah, that seems to be how it happens!

    and no problem :)

  3. "...looks like there's gonna be a gas explosion in the bar..."

    Leanne - stay away from going back to work in that bar!

    I'm tellin' ya' - It does not want to be opened and will do all the Stephen King tricks it can to prevent that from happening.

  4. Wow that picture looks very very fake.

  5. That pathetic picture was done by a guy on DigitalSpy... ignore it!!

  6. I thought it was a rather funny picture lol, I used that one because I don't think people would have liked me posting spoiler pics

  7. Is that Ken and Becky walking towards the bar, and Molly standing in front of Des's shop?
    Will the tram come along and fall on them?

  8. I think it's a fun picture too. It's obviously hand-made and irreverent, fits in well with the blog ;-)

  9. i hope thay have some good shots of the tram coming down, like the one you have, shots like that, or of the explosion would be brilliant!
