Friday 29 October 2010

In pictures: Crushed Corner Shop

The Sun has pictures today of The Corner Shop on Coronation Street, crushed by the tram. Have a  look here.


  1. I thought that when I saw the loo rolls and where are the newspapers???

  2. It looks amazing. I can't wait for this to air in December!

  3. Do we presume that half the tram hits Dev's and half to Rita and Norris and the flats?

  4. For all the hoo-ha about ITV wanting to keep all this a big secret, they're sure not backward in coming forward with teaser photos like this!

  5. I can't imagine the Kabin stocking quite so much co,man's mustard powder though it seems rather a lot for the corner shop as well. I've never understood their stocking policy! Anyway it's in The Sun so is it any surprise that they got the location wrong.

    As for the teaser, I know what you mean tvor but it's not really giving away much, I think we all knew the buildings that were at risk.

  6. Drat! That reminds me of my chores. I must get round to tidying up the place!

  7. I don't like this "celebratory" story-line at all.

  8. To be honest, I'm not liking the prospect of all this death 'n' destruction either.

  9. The Garden Pixie30 October 2010 at 12:33

    I agree that the 50th anniversary should have been celebrated with something other than a blood bath. I am not impressed with Phil Collinson's reign so far. I am sure that after all this "hype" it will be a total damp squib like the ridiculous Tony Gordon hostage and burning down the factory.
