Tuesday 5 October 2010

How brilliant is Mikey North?

As I'm old enough to be Mikey North's nan (depressing), I'm not going to be gross and pass comment on his "manly appeal" - although I'm quite sure he has it in bucket-loads for the younger viewer.
No. It's his acting ability I'm talking about. I'm sure many people like myself who have family in the Forces will have been very moved by last night's episodes of Coronation Street, in which Gary Windass left for Afghanistan. Personally I find it heart-breaking to see young people, who possibly see no other future for themselves in terms of work and opportunity, heading off to fight with that "I'm doing the right thing" look in their eyes. Mikey has the steely-eyed gaze and the set of the jaw down to perfection, and honestly the whole thing was so poignant I had to reach for the hankies when he left. Goodness knows how this story will end - hopefully, hopefully not with Mikey being blown to bits by a roadside bomb. It was awful to see Anna watching the torment of 24 hour news.
I suppose I've got to mention Eddie Windass looking "very David Niven" sporting a snazzy red turtle neck and what looked like Easi-care drip dry black crimplene trousers - lovely! don't stand near any naked flames, Eddie, else you'll go up like a Roman candle. And speaking of "naked" - I'm still not sure if I was hallucinating, or did I really hear him using the words "naked" and "Black Forest Gateau" in the same sentence? I can't think about that any more else I'll have to re-calibrate my medication (again).
Great stuff all round, anyway.


  1. Totally agree. Love watching Mikey North on screen. Think he is very talented and plays the part brilliantly!

  2. Yes, I agree. Apart from having a massive crush on Gary (and Mikey himself), Mikey North has proved himself a capable actor. He has taken the character from a no-hoper yob who ended up in prision every five minutes to a mature, responsible guy. Hopefully he will turn out to be a longer-term character.

    The whole Windass family is brilliant really. Anna with her wish to do whats right for her family and her son. The acting over the worry of her son going to Afgan is so true to life. My Mum has been through the whole thing with her neighbour.

    I really loved Eddie and his "naked" and "Black Forest Gateau" line. Also, having visions of Emily Bishop singing MacArthur Park as well.... classic.

  3. Okay - but not the best! However, certainly not the worst.

  4. His acting has been brilliant since Day 1 - I am a big fan. Looking forward to seeing this storyline here in Oz in 4 months time!
