Wednesday 6 October 2010

Guess the mystery Corrie kid

Can you guess which Coronation Street character this little boy grew up to play? 

The answer, if you'd like it, with a full interview with the actor who plays him, is right here in today's Mirror.


  1. My guess is that's Bill Tarmey, our own Jack Duckworth

  2. That's Ken Barlow for sure! The hair gives it away!

  3. To my eyes, the little lad is the spitting image of Eddie Windass!

  4. What a superb piece. Bill Tarmey is so unassuming and yet so talented. He used to go to the same heart out-patient's clinic as my late father and the two of them used to chat quite regularly. My dad was a champion cynic about "everything" but he was full of praise for Bill and regularly used to say what a decent chap he was.
