Saturday 2 October 2010

Deirdre's Gypsy Creams - where did she buy them?

In Thursday's episode of Coronation Street, Deirdre Barlow offered to bring Dr. Matt "a couple of Gypsy Creams and a nice cup of tea". Sounds good to me - only where did she get them? I'd really like to know, as I haven't been able to lay my hands on a flaming Gypsy Cream for years - and they were my favourite biscuit by a mile. I think they went out of production in the 1980s, and since then manufacturers McVities have made vague noises about bringing them back, due to demand from whingeing old biscuit-eating codgers such as myself.
If anyone knows where I can get a packet of Gypsy Creams, I'd be very much obliged.


  1. Didnt Peter buy a pack of Gypsy creams from the corner shop a short while ago. You could try there although they may be a bit stale as according to McVities web site they have been discontinued!!

  2. Peter as well! Dev must have stockpiled them before they went out of production :)

  3. I'm pretty sure they were around in the '80s, and didn't they become "Romany Creams" in the '90s? Sorry I can't help further as I wasn't that keen, but I do sympathise with your wish to have a retro munch!

  4. The sell-by date on the packet in your photograph reads 19 Nov 05, so they were certainly around until quite recently.

    You should start a campaign like they did with the '80s Wispa Bar - that's back on the shop shelves!

  5. Maybe they're the kind of biscuit that people take the name and just use it for another type of biscuit out of the habit of the name? Like calling all vaccuum cleaners a Hoover.

  6. Looking around the Web, it seems McVitie's have stated that they were discontinued due to a "slower selling rate" in quite recent years.

    So, judging by the 2005 packet in the photograph here it seems Dev may have stockpiled them - and still have some left!

  7. Thanks for the full photo of Gail's face upon hearing: "Thanks, Deirdre, you're a treasure."

    My TV is 4:3 and not widescreen, so I only saw 50% of Gail's face
    upon her leaving after hearing the doctor's complimentary comments to Deidre. But Gail's face is, as I suspected - like a baboon's smacked a*s*
    - LOL!

    Deidre trying to help Gail see the doctor:
    "Well I can fit you in next Tuesday.

    Hee hee, what can you say but Go-girl-go!?!
    Revenge is sweet and all that, LOL!

    Gypsy creams? Slow selling? What's the betting the politically correct EU has ruled them out of bounds unless they're renamed Traveller's Creams or somesuch? (What's that graphic on the packet - an impression of how Gypsies live, or are supposed to look like?)

    Whereas having a packet of say, English Creams with a graphic of some chaps in bowler hats would be deemed fair game and acceptable I dare say.

    McVitie's should have gone the whole hog and named them 'Gypo Creams'. Oh I'm in that mood today :)

    And Cobblestone - you're right on the money, as I too, thought it HIGHLY UNLIKELY Peter would encourage Leanne to go for a drink with Nick on their own.

    They get a lot right but there are increasing examples of Corrie displaying an amazing lack of credible empathy between some
    characters and some situations
    from time to time, that I believe could be one of the reasons behind Corrie losing out on ALL the BIG soap awards worth having to the likes of EastEnders.

    Corrie doesn't have to be realistic, only credible - and Peter saying that to Leanne is, so, so, totally, NOT credible.

  8. Apparently (so I read) the Fox's crunch cream was supposed to be a kind of equivalent - but it doesn't come close IMO. Agree very much re. the Peter/Leanne remark by the way.

  9. ROY CROPPER'S Saturday anorak Corner of instantly forgettable useless information, or as a hot female colleague of mine said to me recently: "Dan, you're the most boring man I've ever met in my life" (But she was smiling as she said it; so that's a plus, yes?)

    - If you look at the photo of the red packet of biscuits it clearly says Gipsy Creams (spelt with an 'i'). Whereas throughout the blog Seapenguin refers to them as Gypsy Creams. (Spelt with a 'y'). As in fact, so have I, in my post above. So which is correct? (Don't rush off to check - it's a rhetorical question). As it happens I had to look into this very matter for something I researched some years back - and the answer from the official dictionary boffins back then was . . . BOTH are correct.

    There is no right and wrong answer.

    You can either use Gypsy or Gipsy
    - wonder which one, they, the persons it refers to, prefer?

  10. Another pointer to 2005 as approaching the end of the road for these biccies is here -

    Apparently Larry Grayson was given a packet of Gipsy Creams by the production team when the Generation Game ended in 1981. They were a favourite of his.

  11. I knew I was overdue an eye test. Okay so the evidence shows compellingly they were definitely available in 2005 - that means it might be worth me getting a torch and checking under the freezer in my local branch of Spar (joking!)

  12. I think they're similar to the Arnott's Kingston biscuits, which are available in New Zealand and Australia. Maybe you can convince someone to send you a pack or two? :)

  13. I've just (25/4/13) found Gypsy Creams, but only 2 of them, inside a Tesco Sweet Biscuit Assortment (which comes in a tray with a red wrapper). The labelling on the back calls them Romany Creams. They're look similar to what's shown on the McVities packet above and with the Oreo-like design etched into the surface of the biscuit I remember from when I last ate them years ago.
