Sunday 10 October 2010

Corrie fans - we want your memories and pictures of 50 Golden Years

As it's all about the 50th anniversary over the next few weeks and into the New Year, we thought it would a nice idea to ask you for your favourite memories of Coronation Street and we'll feature the best ones on the blog.

All you have to do is email in with your memories of being on the Coronation Street set when it was still open to the public - with a picture if possible - or any special memories that Corrie has for you since you first started watching it, wherever you are in the world.

Or, if you've been lucky enough to meet a Coronation Street actor either in person or in character and you have a picture you'd like to share on the blog for other fans to see, do please send your pictures and memories in and we'll start featuring these right here on the blog. 

Memories and pictures - this way please - email them all to:

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