Tuesday 12 October 2010

Coronation Street memories and pictures from Corrie's No. 1 fan

Deborah Cyr was voted Corrie's No. 1 fan in Canada and here she shares her golden memories of Corrie.

"I've only been watching for 16 years, but in that time I've collected Corrie memorabilia, organized Corrie pings (get-togethers), met fans from all over the world, met 66 of the Corrie actors, been on the set four times and won a contest where I was named Canada's No. 1 Coronation Street Fan. Yes, Coronation Street has changed my life and I have a lot of great memories of being a fan!

Meeting William Roache the first time was definitely a highlight. As I saw him walking towards me all I could think was: "It's Ken, he's been there from day one." I remember shaking at first, but that soon stopped when he started talking. He is wonderful with his fans. Others I've met are Jack, Curly, Audrey, Mike, Tony, Steve, David, Graeme and Yana. They have all been fabulous, but have to say Jack P Shepherd is my favourite of them all - which shocks many fans.

Another highlight was in 2008 when having a private tour of the studios seeing Tony Warren standing in front of the Rovers. I would have loved to gone over and thanked him for creating such an amazing show.

The ultimate Corrie moment for me had to be the summer of 2009. Getting a call to say I was Canada's No. 1 Coronation Street fan out of all the entries they had received. The prize was a trip for two to Manchester, six nights stay, a tour of the Corrie set and bragging rights as the number one fan. We checked into our hotel and saw Keith Duffy walking into the hotel. Wow! Stepping onto those cobbles is something you never forget neither is standing behind the bar in the Rovers where so many familiar names had stood before - Bet, Vera, Betty, Liz and Raquel. The sets are so small you wonder how everyone can fit in. What a thrill it has been to sit on Gail's and the Battersby's couch, sit at Jack and Vera's table, clock in and sit behind a machine at Underworld, have my hair done at Audrey's, sit on Maxine's bench and stand behind the counters at Roy's Rolls, The Kabin, the Kebab Shop and Elliott's butchers. These are all moments I will never forget.

Congratulations on 50 years Coronation Street, here is to many more. 

Do you have any special Corrie memories and pictures to share? Let us know.

1 comment:

  1. I had the pleasure of meeting Deborah just last week and she is a really sweet lady and even more of an avid Corrie fan than me! Last year when she won the contest i interviewed her by email for my blog as well. http://tvor-downeast.blogspot.com/2009/08/meet-canadas-number-one-corrie-fan.html
