Friday 24 September 2010

Spoilers from Coronation Street's 50th press day

Wow, it's been a very special day on the cobbles up in Manchester today.  Your bloggers Sunny Jim and I have been in Weatherfield all day, meeting the cast, drinking Corrie beer, eating ice-cream, having a back stage tour and were given a special presentation by Mr Sex on a Stick (aka Keith Duffy who is gorgeous in real life).  We talked to our favourite cast members - Steve Huison (Eddie Windass) and Julie Hesmondhalgh (Hayley Cropper) and took photos of many more as they were being interviewed by the 'proper' journalists (ahem).

There'll be pictures a-plenty hitting the blog tomorrow when we're back home in that London but for now, Corrie fans and blog readers, here's some of the big spoilers we can reveal from our special day.

Who's the daddy? Kevin Webster!  When Molly refuses a DNA test on little baby Jack, Kevin nicks the baby's dummy and finds out for sure he's the dad. But who will live and who will die in the tram crash?

Jack dies in his old house on the Street and gets a visit from the ghost of Vera. I was in bits when this was shown on the video screen at the presentation.

And there's loads of trouble ahead for Nick, Leanne and Peter.

Anyway, tune in tomorrow for a shed-load of pictures and a video from our day at Coronation Street's 50th press launch. It was an ace event, and I'm very grateful to ITV for inviting us both.

Also, I have it on good authority from my sister-in-law that when William Roache (Ken Barlow) was being interviewed live for ITV News today, Sunny Jim and I are filmed right behind Wiliam stuffing our faces with free sandwiches!  


  1. I am just beside myself with excitement for you! I actually asked Steve Huison to say hi for me, described you and Sunny Jim so he'd know who you were!

  2. sounded brilliant!

    so it is kevins oh dear i wonder if tyrone will find out

  3. Well from what I have read in the reports, we have 3 deaths and 1 murder. That narrows it down !

    Presumably the deaths will be as a result of the tram crash, and Jack Duckworth is not included in this total.

  4. Was Betty Driver (Betty Turpin) there?

  5. I'm glad it's Kevin's! Better than drippy Tyrone!

  6. Martin, Betty Driver was indeed there and lasted a lot longer than some of her younger colleagues. She was much in demandd for interviews and looked to be having a great time.

    3 deaths and 1 murder. Is the murder one of the deaths? That presumably will be Charlotte.

  7. I've seen an interview with Kieran Roberts who confirms that it's 3 deaths and a murder, making 4 lost characters in all.

  8. I too am glad the baby is Kevin's. This tallys with the reports about Sally taking the baby in I suppose.

    So three deaths and one murder. Hmm, interesting. I reckon (although none of us no for sure) the murder will be Charlotte and the deaths will be Molly, Trev and ....??? Can't wait.

  9. The exact quote from Phil Collinson was "a tram crash, a death, a wedding, another death, a birth, a murder, a fire and another death"

    Now, IIRC there a spoiler many months ago that said Peter and Leanne would marry around Christmas.

    Who is due to have a baby?

  10. I hope the murder is Michele Connor....what a bad actress and she just keep sticking her plastic out.
