Friday 13 August 2010

Deirdre gets face-cake from Gail

This week, Audrey is making preparations to move to Greece with cad Lewis. Only, we, the viewers, have seen Lewis using Deirdre's affections to scam the betting shop. All along he's been circumspect about committing to Audrey but has smoothly covered it over. Con men are very good at that! There's been speculation as to whether he'd run off with her money. Tonight we find out. You've heard of "face ache"? (Frankie Baldwin used to call Danny that!) Well, we've got a bad case of "face cake" tonight.  In the Sun, there are some very funny photos of Gail launging a cake at Deirdre's face after the CCTV footage of her kissing Lewis is exposed to all the Platts who are gathered for a little goodbye party for Audrey. Meanwhile, as you might all expect, Lewis has done a bunk with Audrey's money! Good thing he did have a pang of conscience and convinced her not to sell the salon! She's got a loan against the house but hasn't sold that, either. I guess she'll have to work her fingers to the bone or sell the salon to pay off the house loan! How do you think she's going to manage?


  1. What do you think circumspect means?

  2. Certainly an improvement to old Dreary's face.

  3. Circumspect:
    watchful and discreet; cautious; prudent: circumspect behavior.

    It was the "cautious" bit i was using it to represent

  4. Does Diedre sleep in that chain belt?

  5. If you've got middle-aged spread such as Dreary has, you don't emphasize it with a belt.

  6. Ha, that photo is great. I love the looks on Audrey and Claudia's faces.
