Sunday 4 July 2010

Coronation Street weekly awards for June 30 and July 1

I haven't forgotten about you all, waiting there and refreshing your browser, all anxious for this week's awards! I know there were only two episodes this week, but there were quite a few awards:

Who's the Fairest of them all award: I think this Fairest Barmaid competition is going to be a bloody battle, Take No Prisoners.

Get a Room award: Mushy star: Roy and Hayley. Innit nice to see them all loved up?

You Can't Be Friends with Both of Us award: Gold Star: Mary Taylor, pushing Anna away and taking over the wedding planning.

Peacemaker award: Gold Star: Must as it pains me to say it, John for getting Ches and Fiz on the same side finally.

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire award: Gold star: Liz rigged the vote!

Reality Check award: Gold Star: Lloyd keeps mooning over Cheryl but seeing her with her husband and child like a happy family makes him think twice.
Silver Star: Liz was shown the light and it hurt!
Fashion award: Graeme is wearing his peakless caps and hoodless hoodies. It could start a new trend!

Lines of the Week:
David to Graeme: "You used to make me laugh. Now you make me sick."
Graeme: "He has cut the hoods off all me hoodies." Norris: "I have the same impulse every time I see them!"
Eddie: "My special something is my son." (Aww, sometimes he really does pull a blinder!)
Tina to Graeme: "Were you born yesterday?" Graeme: "1990."
Steve: "Have you seen that new piece at the Stag's Head?" Becky: "I beg your pardon?" Steve: "Did I say that out loud?"

1 comment:

  1. Walzing Matilda6 July 2010 at 18:01

    Grahame looks like Frank Spencer in that beret - love him!
