Monday 5 July 2010

Stuffed Marrow: Sun July 4, 2010 Corrie Episode Review


Written by Jonathan Harvey, directed by Terry Dyddgen-Jones.

Tina’s still upset over the mean things that David said to her other night. I’m almost shocked that he managed to get to her this much, actually. I’m often July-4-2010-Tina-Rita shocked that David manages to get to anyone really though. Graeme tells her to ignore David that that he’s just weird. Uh, he’s a bit more than just weird! Tina wonders how many times she has to tell Graeme that she can’t stay at his uncle’s minging place anymore! Seriously Graeme, figure it out! Tina can’t do EVERYTHING. Oh, wait. Tina asks Graeme to stop being so nice to her in the next sentence, and looks for pity from everyone else. Tina suggests to Graeme that perhaps they just need to leave the street entirely. Graeme says that it’s not the street, that it’s *him* (David). No, it’s not just David, it’s the street – she should leave now, but don’t take Graeme!

July-4-2010-Graeme-Tina-Rickshaw At the Kabin later, Tina’s looking through the paper for a flat but finding that it’s more than she can afford. Has she ever paid rent? Rita offers the spare bedroom in her flat for Tina to use until she finds a place. Tina, of course accepts her next meal ticket. At Rita’s, Tina notices a framed picture of a young girl. Rita tells her it was Jenny (Jenny Bradley), another girl Rita was able to help. Tina asks where Jenny is now but Rita says it’s sad that she has no clue. After a drink with Rita in the sitting room, her and Graeme run into Tina’s new room all excitedly to unpack her “luggage.” Later, Graeme takes Tina on a romantic date and the two of them cycle off the street in the July-4-2010-Nick-Natasharickshaw. He in his only hoody left, and she in her top-knot, flowers from Dev’s and all.

Natasha’s over at Gail’s singing “Make You My Man” into her hairbrush with the stereo turned up to “loud and obnoxious.” Nick walks in to find her there and wonders why she’s there, and why she’s singing. He looks at her like she’s absolutely bonkers. Okay, I know he’s not in love with her, but does he even LIKE her? It seems Natasha still has a key to Gail’s and came to get some scrunchies she’d left behind. Nick doesn’t understand how that equates to her singing into her hairbrush at the top of her lungs. Neither do I. Nick is clearly disturbed with her throwing the “we” word around when talking about his business. What is with Natasha? Is she going to start living in a mobile home next?

July-4-2010-Underworld The factory girls talk about Hayley’s wedding and what each of them would like in a wedding dress. Fiz wonders when Trev and Carla are coming back. Nick marches in in a rage barking at the girls to get back to work and for Kirk to do what he was put on this earth to do: pack boxes. Nick’s in a panic to get this Stokes order done. At factory-nouveau Janice is outside puffing a fag and tells Nick that insides it’s absolute bedlam! Nick isn’t looking forward to this and marches inside with scowl on his face especially when he sees the girls not working, but dancing salsa. They surprise him and tell him that the order’s done, much to Nick’s relief. Underworld: We can rebuild her. July-4-2010-Lloyd-Cherl

Eileen (not Eilene) is noticing Lloyd’s dampened mood towards Cheryl and says she can send someone else, perhaps Fat Brenda, to go down and get her. Of course, Lloyd takes the fare anyhow since he can’t go on avoiding her – or his responsibilities at work! Lloyd goes to Cheryl’s club to wait for her and sees her coming out of the back arguing with her boss. It seems that her boss Mel doesn’t want her to work since she’s got a black eye. Lloyd assumes that Mel was the one who gave it to her since he “knows how these places work.” He gets ahead of himself and goes to attack Mel causing him to get bopped in the face by security who have thrown him out and Cheryl to lose her job. Cheryl’s not happy that she lost her job, but goes to fix up Lloyd’s face for him at his. There, she tells him that it wasn’t Mel who hit her, but her husband Chris. Cheryl tells Lloyd that her husband hit her after he found a text from Lloyd to her. Uh-oh.

July-4-2010-Lewis-Hair It’s Deirdre’s candle-lit supper with guests of honour Audrey and Lewis tonight. Lewis is looking forward to it, but something tells me Audrey would rather have watch paint dry. Audrey points out that Deirdre is good company, but not Ken so much. Lewis cares not for Ken, but only for Deirdre as he fixes his coif in the salon mirror before meeting the pair at the Rovers.July-4-2010-Ken-Deirdre

Deirdre is going to outdo herself this evening by preparing a gourmet dish for her company: stuffed marrow. Ken thinks that that dish is a bit ambitious for the evening but Deirdre thinks it’s just right and that her Tracy loves it! What does Tracy have to do with any of it? She’s not going to have a piece. Deirdre’s listening to some motown and Ken suggests a more classical selection for dinner. Deirdre agrees so long as it isn’t anything too…weird. Ken figures that Lewis is a cJuly-4-2010-Sean-Girlsultured man and he sees a lot of himself in him. Oh, just wait until he sees a lot of Lewis in….ahem. The two couples meet in the Rovers and Ken talks of how they’re going to turn Blanche’s room into a study.

Sean-y boy is back on the street and a new shade of crimson/tan. The other barmaids are excited to see him and want to see all his trip photos. Later, Michelle tells Sean about the speed dating night and how Ciaran got off with some trout and how she caught them snogging out the back. Michelle figures that Ciaran won’t be seeing trout-face again since the only one he’s in love with is himself. Sean is upset with all of Becky and Steve’s adoption-talk since he can’t even see his own little babbie. Can’t he get a paternity test, or go the legal route here? He must have some rights. I feel like he’s not going about this the right way. Why doesn’t he write Violet a letter or something?

- Lady Gaga has swept the street! We had Graeme “singing” Poker Face, Lloyd sitting in the lap dancing club listening to “Just Dance” and “Paparazzi” playing when Graeme goes to pick up Tina in his rickshaw for their special date.
- Eileen might not have a lot going on in her life, but her hair is looking really great lately!
- Lewis fixing his hair in the salon mirror before meeting Deirdre. He’s a cad, but he’s a well-done character!
- Deirdre tells Ken that her stuffed marrow is a beautiful dish and it’s full of iron. Ken sarcastically coming back at her that when people go to a soiree they always hope that there will be plenty of iron. I usually hope that there’s enough protein, but to each their own.
- Nick telling Kirk to get back to what he was put on this earth to do: pack boxes.
- Rita reckoning that she has a very high boredom threshold after working with Norris for so many years.
- Rita: “Norris, would you get me a Garibaldi biscuit as well.” Norris: “What did your last slave die of?” Rita: “Insolence. Chop, chop.”
- It’s nice that the writers mentioned Jenny Bradley. I like it when they mention old characters, it gives the regular characters (and the soap) depth.

- Tina being “homeless” and all and forcing Graeme to find someone for them to sleep. What exactly happened between Tina and her mother that made sleeping on “Uncle Derek’s” couch a better option? Am I missing something here?
- Is anyone wondering whatever happened to the kebab shop? It doesn’t seem like Tina works there anymore, and clearly Theresa and her son don’t either, nor does Amber. Plus, we have seen NOTHING of Minnie since last year. Who on earth works there now? It can’t be Sunita, but I’d sure like to see her slinging kebab meat.
- Audrey pointing out that Ken isn’t the best company. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone utter this same sentiment (besides Deirdre and her late mother of course!) and I find it interesting. Perhaps John Stape is the new Ken – shortlived however. I really like Ken Barlow, as he’s one of my favourite characters but I guess I’d never really realized how much of an old windbag he can be!
- Nick looking at Natasha (and treating her) like she’s a nutter. Does he even LIKE her? Why is he still leading her on?
- I’m sorry, but I still find the relationship between Tina and Graeme unbelievable. Especially when she seems so happy to be taken on a ride in his rickshaw. She’s too high-and-mighty for that!


  1. What about when Graeme mentions Bet as a cross dresser? Poor Bet! Where was that photo taken or when? It looks around 1984, the beehive is in full swing!

  2. Minor gripe: Does Jonathan Harvey begin scenes with characters singing and/or dancing just so that he doesn't have to write as much dialogue as he would otherwise? I'm fairly sure he does this quite often, and in this one episode we had Graeme up the ladder at the very beginning, Natasha singing into her hairbrush, Deirdre singing, and the girls in the factory before Nick walked in. Bit excessive? I'll let him off this time seeing as it was a good episode, and Fat Brenda got a mention! :)

  3. Ken is a windbag. He's sanctimonious, selfish, his head is up his own backside, he can justify anything he himself wants to do or say at the expense of anyone else.

  4. I really enjoyed the Barlow's dinner party - the whole marrow thing was great, and I always enjoy Ken in full intense mode. Wish we'd heard more gruesome revelations from Deirdre about his days as an escort though.

  5. I fell on Sunday's episode by sheer chance after being totally confused by all the recent schedule changes. And what delightful scenes where Rita dominated.

    There was an understated charm to Rita's not so subtle put-down's to Norris's pompous behaviour that showed for sheer enjoyment Corrie doesn't have to have bullet-between-the-eyes murders, burning buildings, and watery deaths, week after week.

    Rita held the screen - nothing major happened - yet it made for some delightful scenes free from all the 'Die Hard'-like, shenanigans of late. Real Corrie.

    - Oh and Gadgee, I like it when the girls in the factory sing en masse - But Deidre singing? Oh dear oh dear! Someone please ban Deidre from ever singing in public again - how can you describe her singing - budgies throughout the land fell dead from their perches!

  6. David Cameroon6 July 2010 at 17:59

    I thought the Barlows dinner party without Blanche's one liners, just silly and a bore. And i could not care less about Cheryl, her surely son and her domestics, she doenst even live on the street and yet we had two episodes almost dedicated to her. YAWN!

  7. maggie muggins6 July 2010 at 19:39

    Oh my - Deirdre polishing the marrow. Ew! As for the singing, I notice there's sometimes a theme day on Corrie, where different characters go through similar things. I enjoyed Tina and Graeme when they were under the stars and chatting. It's nice when couples do more than just lust after each other, which isn't realistic. They may not be a 'grand amour', but not every one has to be.

  8. What's wrong with that Cheryl?
    I noticed she didn't try to stop Lloyd from leaving the cab and going after her boss.
    I also noticed when she "ran" into the club, she sure didn't try to stop Lloyd from attacking her boss by telling him the truth.

  9. Loved Rita and Tina's scenes and the mention of Jenny and Len. Plus I'd love to see Rita's photo album of all the memories. And Seanie, it was in 1985 that Rita, Bet and Mavis went to Blackpool and I have that episode on DVD. The three got hold of men, but Mavis was the only one who got an unmarried one.

  10. I did think Ken was wonderfully, pompously rude to Lewis, grilling him in that way, like Lewis was some boyfriend Ken's teenage daughter has brought home. And yes, like seapenguin, I'd have loved to have heard a few more details from Ken'd Golden Years escort days ... like his last client dying on him. Wouldn;t THAT have just made Audrey's night!

    I have to say that I do really like Graeme and Tina together. I actually do think they have chemistry - considerably more than Nick & Natasha - and so far, my hope that the writers would use this pairing to soften and redeem the character of Tina is moving in the right direction.

    I loved the Rita scenes too, and think placing Tina under her wing is another very good move. Let's get bak to the Tina who originally arrived on the Street. Also looking forward to more Graeme/Norris interaction.

  11. anyone know whos sings make you my man , the song natasha was singing

  12. Apparently Donna Summer's Love to Love You Baby in the background as Deirdre prepared was a nod to Abigail's Party.
