Monday 5 July 2010

Stalking storyline for Lloyd and Cheryl on Corrie

Craig Charles and Holly Quin-Ankrah aka Lloyd and Cheryl from Coronation Street were on ITV's This Morning today. For those overseas who are unable to watch the video online, here's what they said - in a nutshell.

Craig says that Lloyd's fallen heavily for Cheryl and she's brought out the hero in Lloyd after he discovered her beaten up and with a black eye. Holly reckons the storyline's brilliant and highlights the horror of domestic violence. But could Cheryl be the one to settle Lloyd down? Craig says yes because Lloyd's he's not getting any younger and wants to settle down. The storyline will travel for a while with Cheryl's husband turning up on the Street to stalk her.

Holly says that everyone's lovely and welcoming in Corrie and she loves being part of it. Craig agrees and said on his first day he was so nervous on set that his pint was shaking in the Rovers. But some of the cast knew him from Red Dwarf and turned up with H's on their forehead!

Away from Corrie, Craig works as a DJ on BBC Radio 6 (which has just today been saved from being axed - hurrah!). He was DJing at Glastonbury and at the Durham Brass Festival and you might just catch him at a festival near you this summer too. He'll be at the Big Chill festival at the beginning of August.


  1. Thank you Flaming Nora for the story in a nutshell :)
    It's annoying not being able to see these interviews, but your report was good to read and it's nice not to miss out.

  2. I'm enjoying the Lloyd and Cheryl story line very much. As I've said before, I think Lloyd is an underrated character, and Craig Charles an underrated actor. I'm a massive fan of Red Dwarf, and of Craig, who always comes across a lovely, funny, down-to-earth bloke in interviews, on DVD commentaries, on the radio etc. I'm genuinely really glad he's managed to turn his life around after everything he's been through.

  3. I know this is really only starting , but i think already it's being portrayed realistically. It gives me chills, but this really happens to women and they excuse and justify it exactly the same way. I am not surprised it will come to a stalking.

  4. Sorry but I couldnt care less about lap dancing Cheryl and whoever her stalker is. I find this story very boring with Lloyd acting like a fool when she is around.

  5. Lloyd wading in to sort out the lap dancing club manager was billed as an explosive episode but ended up being a very, very, disappointing damp squib. Lloyd was hopeless! Utterly, utterly, hopeless. Heroic? Don't make me laugh, foolhardy more like.

    I think he managed one half-hearted, and definitely girly, school playground-like push. Hardly heroic. Didn't even put up a fight with the bouncer, whom he let knock seven bells out of him; what a wuss! Hopeless. Bet he was curled up in the foetal position in fear. He should have paid Becky to step in on his behalf - she'd have fared better by far. Lloyd should stick to 'heroic' arguments with Steve.

    I was AT LEAST expecting the club manager to sport a black eye himself, courtesy of Lloyd, before being manhandled out by the bouncer - or even a foolhardy punch thrown back in the direction of the violent bouncer - but no, nothing at all.

    If Lloyd had just made an angry voluble complaint, as he had a right to, even though he was misled, and he was treated in the same manner; he'd have my sympathy - but when you wade in shouting the odds, grabbing lapels and pushing people, and making like a tough guy, yet aren't prepared to put up when the 'victim' fights back (albeit by proxy through the bouncer) then I have zilch sympathy for 'heroic' Lloyd.

    What a comeuppance! That'll teach him, perhaps he'll think-on, before ranting and raving at Steve from now on.
