Sunday 11 July 2010

Liz McDonald steals Eileen's new fella

Ooh, the News of the World have a nice Coronation Street spoiler today.

It says that Izzy's dad Owen goes on a date with Eileen Grimshaw. But when Liz spots them both on a date in the Rovers, she gets jealous and drags Owen upstairs later for a night of passion in her pub boudoir.

That's all well and good for Liz, but what about poor Eileen?


  1. David Cameroon11 July 2010 at 11:42

    For goodness sake, talk about groundhog day, cant the writers think of anything else for Eileen rather than being unlucky in love?

  2. Eileen is the new Curly Watts.

  3. Poor Eileen!
    Liz is like a blotter, soaking up all available men within bar top width.
    One day your prince will come Eileen, just as Curly found his princess.
    Only please don't move away.

  4. Says a lot about Owen's character, doesn't it?

  5. Well Owen! Just look at the way he jumped right into Carla's private business conversation with Bill and Jason!
    He doesn't strike me as the type to hang about, he's right in there with whoever and whatever's best for him!

  6. Dilly Daydream12 July 2010 at 10:08

    Oh I'm glad, I don't like Eileen, she deserves nothing.

  7. am i the only one who doesnt like liz?

    shes just a tart who thinks she can nab any fella she wants whoever she hurts

    she should grow up and act her age

  8. Sorry to say would Owen really be interested in Eileen? She is hardly a glamorous catch is she? As someone said on this board, she has the charms of a lady wrestler.

  9. Well somehow I can't see Eileen with such a wheeler-dealer as Owen seems to be.
    Eileen is a nice woman, sensible and loyal to her friends, but sometimes a bit jaded and set in her ways perhaps.
    Well we can't all be "Glam" like Liz McDonald, can we....

  10. i wish they would tell the actors to speak properly on the show, a lot of them mumble incoherantly (marias one) to me its sloppy acting.
