Friday 2 July 2010

Is John Stape capable of murder?

Apparently so. Perhaps there's no point in saying any more about it. Stape cracks and Colin Fishwick bites the dust, ending up buried in what's left of Underworld. Stape goes to jail - might take a while, but he will - only upside of this being that we might get to see the fab Ted Robbins as a prison officer again.

I will be truly sorry to see Stape commit this awful deed. Kidnapping and identity theft are quite enough, thank you. Okay, we're well rid of Fishwick - we don't know him well, but his wardrobe speaks volumes - but nobody deserves to be murdered. And I don't want to see a Corrie character, especially one who I would see as a potential stalwart, go down this road. We've had plenty of Corrie crazies - mad Maya, Tony Gordon, you name 'em. John Stape should not be among them.


  1. No, he isnt capable of murder, but I think he will accidentally end up taking Collin's life, I dont think Stape will be a psycho killer

  2. Wow, I'd be surprised to see John kill someone. I have to say though, I don't like this Fishwick story line at all. I guess a murder is a logical end to it because I can't see where it is going otherwise.

  3. Yeah, Chewy has it, not murder but more like this, I'd bet:

    - After Fishwick finds out about the identity theft he confronts John and tells him he's going to the police to tell all, John tries to restrain him, with no particular plan, begging him to reconsider. As they struggle, Fishwick (the real one) falls and cracks his head hard on the way down.

    Manslaughter rather than Murder.

    P.S. Or did I read that somewhere?

  4. That's my theory too :) then John will panic and bury Fishwick, tbh, it would be good to just leave the body there and keep John on, John isnt a bad man, and he wont have purposely killed poor Fishwick, plus it'd be cool for it to be dug up in a few decades :P

  5. I don't think John's capable of blowing the skin off a rice pudding never mind murder so I think it'll be a fight and accidental death. I'm looking forward to John getting hs face smashed in by Colin Fishwife when he finds out about stealing his ID though!

  6. Maybe he'll bore Colin to death.

  7. Strap him to a chair and deliver a double lecture on Keats/contemporary teaching methods - yes, that could do it gadgee.

  8. Of course he is not capable of murder. Just another stupid storyline
