Thursday 1 July 2010

Happy Canada Day to Canadian Corrie fans

July 1st is Canada Day - so Happy Canada Day to all of our Coronation Street fans who read the blog from Canada.

And as it's your special day, some of you may know that Debbie Travis is currently on location in Manchester shooting a CBC Corrie 50th anniversary special to be shown in Canada in December.

Debbie's been tweeting about her time on the Street and posting pictures from the set - including this one which looks like a dead body - my guess is it's Colin Fishwick! Have a look here and follow Debbie on twitter here.


  1. Thank you much!!! we are planning on enjoying the sunshine with a few cans.
    your blog is great i read it all the time!

  2. Thank you for remembering us!
    My day isn't complete ( even a holiday ) if I don't check in to see the latest :D

  3. Thank you for remembering us!
    My day wouldn't be complete ( even a holiday) if I didn't check on here for the latest! :D

  4. akennedy Toronto1 July 2010 at 20:27

    I know most people won't agree with me but I really don't care for Debbie Travis at all. I'm sure I'll still watch but there are so many people who I'd rather see hosing this.

  5. ... there seemed to be more sunshine when it was called Dominion Day.

  6. akennedy, I agree with you...for some reason, I first thought the Debbie who was hosting the CBC Special was Debbie Rush ( Anna Windass) although I don't know why it would be.
    When I realized it was Debbie Travis, well, I don't care for her either.
    It's still a lovely sunny day here, now awaiting the fireworks!

  7. Thanks for remembering the Canadian fans who love this blog! I'm sure the Queen read it, since she's here and missed her UK time-line episode. LOL.

    Debbie Travis, ewwwww! Seems there's a lot of us who don't care for her. Of course I wouldn't miss the show in December, but will probably mute the sound when she's on, like I do with our PM.

  8. Hope everyone had a great Canada Day.

    I was with Debbie Travis for a few hours at the British Isles show when they were filming in Toronto in April. She was really nice. I've been interviewed by people before and it made a change to talk to a host who actually knew something about Coronation Street.

  9. Deborah - Thanks for letting us know of your positive experience with Debbie Travis in TO. I agree on your point that it a joy to hear a journalist who know The Street. I'll probably un-mute the sound now that I know she's genuinely a big fan and knows her stuff! It was her overexposure as a home makeover host that did me in.
