Wednesday 14 July 2010

Happy Birthday, Sally!

Sally's back on telly tonight and not before time!

We at Coronation Street Blog Towers are all pleased as punch to see Sally Dyvenor back on screen as Sally Webster and boy, does Sally have a long row to hoe now she's recovered her health! She's got to deal with Sophie's new girlfriend and will eventually have to deal with Kevin's infidelity. But what makes Sally tick? Has Sally really changed all that much over the years? I think she's progressed in a logical fashion.

Blog post about it over here!


  1. I agree with your Blog, Tvor. I think Sally had a 'middle-period' when she became all sweetness & light, being a mum to The Girls, and any viewers who started watching around then must think she's changed, but I think Sally now is a logical re-set of the original Miss Seddon (whom Hilda initially disliked intensely). The social-climbing and snobbery has developed organically from elements present in the younger Sally, especially circumstances in her own childhood. Can't wait to see her back!

  2. Well said, Cobblestone.

    Sally's character Has been consistent throughout, with a brief 'time out' when the girls were younger and there were other stresses to contend with.

    I think her true character re-emerged after the child rearing ended and she began again to desire material things for herself, then for the girls and then for herself again.

    After the character's recent health experience, I wonder if she will change, as many people do?

    Of course, she is landing back on the street with much on her plate to contend with, so will be interesting to see how she will handle it all.

    I wonder, due to the coincidental nature of the actor/character's illness, how much, if any, input of their own feelings they are allowed to help the writer's keep the character genuine.

    I too am very glad Sally's back, I've missed her.
