Friday 23 July 2010

Happy 70th Birthday, Audrey Roberts

It's Audrey's 70th birthday party tonight on Coronation Street and in honour of the fragrant Mrs Roberts, she surely deserves her very own blog post.

Sue Nicholls, who plays Audrey, was first on screen in April 1979 and her first scene was a belter. It was on Youtube but it's been taken offline, sadly. It shows Audrey Potter (as she was called back then) in her dressing gown enjoying a fag and a chat with Elsie Tanner. "So, Gail tells me you've been divorced?" asks Audrey, mosy as ever. "Only twice," replies Elsie.

Here's to Audrey Roberts - happy birthday and many happy (Rovers) returns.

See also:
Sue Nicholls on playing Audrey
Audrey Roberts' horrible hairdos


  1. I've got Aud's first scene on one of the DVDs that were released by Granada.

    Don't confuse Aud's age with Sue Nicholl's, the actress who plays her - she's actually only 67!

  2. Happy Birthday Audreh. I love Audreh, she is one of my favourite characters with her pithy no nonsense put downs and no-one does the disapproving sucking a lemon face like she does!

  3. 67 and still beautiful. I love her character. I am sure she is also great in real life.

  4. Yes, I too love 'Audreh', wonderful character.
    There was a recent article, on this blog actually, showing Sue Nicholls supporting P.D.S.A., the U.K.'s leading Veterinary charity, and that makes Ms. Nicholls very okay, in my book.

  5. It's my mother's birthday too!

  6. I think "Aud" is a brilliant character. Her put-downs and the way she sticks up for her family in public are great. Thing is though, whenever I see her I always think of Miss Poppov from Rentaghost,
