Wednesday 7 July 2010

Corrie producer: "2011 will be the year of Tracy Barlow"

If you haven't yet watched the interview with Coronation Street producer Phil Collinson, it's well worth watching here.

However, one of the things he says puts a dead weight in this fan's heart: "2011 will be the year of Tracy Barlow" and she's returning full time to the show later this year.

Why don't I like Tracy Barlow? Because she's not "a minx", she's not "terrible" or "toxic" Tracy as the tabloids call her. She's a bleedin' psychopath with no self-esteem. She's an embarassment to womanhood and Corrie would be well placed to lock her in her room listening to tapes again.


  1. 2011 will be my non-Corrie year then.... oh dear... what a silly decision. She's a MURDERER. Murderers do not get out after serving only 4 years in prison. Totally unbelievable.

    I take it with this kind of disregard for the truth, we can expect Hayley to become pregnant next year.

  2. i think its a big mistake

    i dont know why they think shes popular i dont know anyone who likes her

    and who gets out of prison after that long when theyve been sentenced to 15 years

    its stupid

  3. The producers must be rubbing their hands with glee. What a lot of fun they can have, with Tracy the troublemaker in town. No explanation will be needed for her behaviour - she'll just be on tap to be baaaaad, like David once was. (Can she top David pushing his mum down the stairs?)

    Don't know why they don't go the whole hog and kit her out in a black Stetson while they're at it.

    - Pound to a penny they'll have mellowed her by the end of her stint, like they did the Battersby's and Windass families - just like in real life - not!!!

  4. Awful news. I can't stand her!

  5. Dreadful, dreadful news - cannot stand Tracy either. The Barlows are all brilliant except for her - keep her inside for the full stretch, for pity's sake.

  6. From what I've read of many people's opinions of the British Justice System, some viewers may not find this storyline that hard to believe.
    Personally, although I did like seeing her again ( briefly ) as part of Gail's prison stint, I would prefer for Deirdre and Ken to forget about her apart from a shiver now and then whenever Tracy does cross their minds.

  7. It isn't even so much that i dislike Tracy. She's not meant to be liked. But the actress just doesn't do it for me.

  8. I'm not happy about this either. She's a one-note character in my opinion, and therefore rather boring. We've seen too much of her already.

  9. Hopefully, as the street will be a very different place next year, Tracey might actually be put to use...if they use her right she can be good

  10. Why will it be different? Is it because of the accident and the loss of characters?
    "Tracy" and "good" in the same sentence...I don't know about that!

  11. I will stop watching the show until she has gone. Can't stand her or the totally stupid story line

  12. Agreed, she's always been written as one note.
    Unless they can do something else with her, I'll watch even less than I do now. But subtlety is not their long suit, so I guess it's bye bye time.

  13. I said that 12 years ago and 7 years ago, and both times, I adjusted to the many changes, and came back after approximately a year both times.

  14. NOOO.
    I really dislike the character and the actress. She was so one-note, and so were her plots. Tracy does something bad, smirks a lot, Deirdre says "Oh Tracy.."... and she gets away with it. And now she's getting away with murder? Come on...
    David is also evil, but you can see why he does evil things.. she just seems totally one-dimensional. I'm not going to stop watching, but I'm Not Impressed.

    Rebecca in TO...

  15. Ahh that's it then - she's been brought back in to the street, to add to the tally in the trampling episode to come.

  16. Sorry, I'm another who will probably turn off. Can't stand the character or the actress.

  17. David cameroon9 July 2010 at 13:25

    She could have been redeemable if she had come back as a different actress but played by the grinning Kate Ford is a no-no for me. I cannot understand why they are bringing her back, obviously not keeping their ear to the ground in Corrie land. I suppose it means more scenes listening to Dierdre's rasping nails down a blackboard voice, I may be switching to BBC.

  18. Maybe they are bringing her back so that they can have old raspy-voice Dreary whine 'Oh Tracy Loov" over and over again.

  19. That "Oh Tracy Loov" was the Worst bit yet; worse even than Tracy back on the street. I just wanted to shake Deirdre everytime she said that!

  20. Her character is as one dimensional as Rosie Webster. i don't know which one I dislike more.

  21. Oh dear. 2011 will be my non-corrie year too then. I just hate this character, so one dimensional, tedious and smug.

    Same old form every time. Tracy does something awful. Deirdre and Ken are appalled but forgive her. She pretends to be contrite for an hour and then it's back to business as usual. Yawn.

    And how unbelievable that someone locked up for murder and doing a 15 year stretch would be out after 4 years.

    Please someone push her into the foundations of the Kabin when they rebuild it after the tram crash!!

  22. Well shes awful ok to watch alittle and maybe in a few years it would be believable but not now.

    I would love to see Sean find love in weatherfield this year maybe with the doctor or with kens son

  23. It should be good unless they base the whole show around Tracy! :)

  24. I love corronation street but know Tracy Barlow it has gone dramatically down hill, made it totally unbelievable and has an extremely disappointing story line, with her character. Put her back in jail and dont let her out is what I say!

  25. I love tracy shes awesome woop go corrie!! and can i just say to all the freaks are like having a stress cause shes been let out early it isnt real life this is a show they can do watever they want okay! and stop bullying tracy she brightens up the show lol tracy you rock keep on going looks like ill be watching corrie this year x
