Monday 28 June 2010

A truly awful Corrie moment

I encountered this Coronation Street image when having a look for something else altogether. Imagine my shock! Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!! That's all I can say - aside from "Pass the bucket - quick", and my sincere apologies to anyone about to have their tea.


  1. I remember this storyline. I was a bout 6 scarred for life!

  2. that was thee most unbelievable storyline yet. BARF!

  3. a guy can get desperate!

  4. It was a wonderful plot, I'd love to seem them rekindle it... pass the sick bag first though.

  5. MY EYES! MY EYES!! I thought I would never have to see that again! LOL

  6. There's a much worse photo of the two of them in bed the morning after. *that* is the stuff of nightmares!

  7. UGHHHHH. kissing old Dreary would be like licking out a filthy stale old ashtray.....DISGUSTING.

  8. Was Dev totally blind. How could any red blooded male find Deidre attractive. She is an old constantly whining old smoker with a voice like a mans. And even her, how could she...Dev......he is creepy and smarmy. What an awful couple they make.

  9. Oh my God; and poor old Ken has to do this on command. If
    I were him I would become a hippie and get as far away as possible. Imagine having to do every night, or at least on command, what Dev did. Gives me the as to speak, if you will pardon the expression.

  10. Nurse Florence Ganderpoke29 June 2010 at 14:41


  11. That's a particularly 'orrible image

  12. world cup willie30 June 2010 at 06:27

    Well Dreary was younger then, now we are supposed to even more incredibly swallow that the sophistcated Lewis who has desirable women falling at his feet would find the boring middle aged tubby penniless and wrinkled like a prune Dreary "interesting" and hang around the bookies after her like a bad smell. The writers need some smelling salts to wake them up!

  13. They are both as awful as each other. Smoky 'ole Dreary snogging oily old Dev. Please let me not have to think about it before bedtime.
