Friday 4 June 2010

Ryan Thomas signs 12-month contract

Ryan Thomas - better known to us as Jason Grimshaw - has signed a new contract to stay on the Street for another year, it has been reported today.

New Producer Phil Collinson sees Jason as part of the show's future, and promised Ryan some big storylines in the coming months.

What are your thoughts on Jason? I'm a big fan of the character, and think he brings a lot to the show. I had feared he may get the chop under the new producer, but glad to see he's going to be sticking around and back to the forefront of the drama.


  1. I like Jason but wish he would ditch that ingrate Tina and get a decent bird!

  2. Can't wait to see him in high def! They'd better not be as blurry as the opening credits.

  3. Jason's a good character, and he's gorgeous.

  4. I'm surprised. I hate Jason. I thought he would get the chop, I honestly did.

    What that producer should bring back some of the old characters now.

  5. I like Jason better than some of the other characters; glad to see he's around for a while longer and that he'll be getting some decent storylines. And I also agree that the sooner he gets away from Toxic Tina, the better. Now THERE'S a character who I sincerely hope gets the chop.

  6. Love Jason! Looking forward to Ryan Thomas getting more interesting stories as I think he is currently underrated as an actor. And of course he is very easy on the eye! Let's hope his future storylines involve him having to iron with his shirt off again.

  7. Meh.
    He's thick, and never has any dialogue worth listening to.
    They got rid of the wrong brother.
