Tuesday 1 June 2010

Prison Break: Mon May 31, 2010 Corrie Episode Review


First off – might I just say – WOW, holy opening credits.  I didn’t think I’d see the day they’d be changed.  Loved that they still had and orange tabby jumping  May-31-2010-Opening-Creditsdown from the roof. 

Written by Martin Allen (9:00) and Jan McVerry (9:30), directed by David Kester & Ian Bevitt

Robbie’s back and trying to charm Roy into joining him at at some sort of train convention on Tuesday.  He says he’d kill to get back to the 1930’s – well, that ain’t going to happen.  Meanwhile, Eddie Windass is sick of Hayley being around and wants her to go back.  Anna tells him to pay attention to quitting smoking instead, since it’ll give them a leg-up in the adoption process – if he’d forgotten already.  Well, I know I had! 

Carla’s stressed out over her lack of business, but Nick’s managed to call Paul Stokes around for another meeting.  Her day gets better (or so she thinks) when a man who claims to be a market trader (Robbie) approaches in the Rovers saying he’d love to buy some extra stock.  Robbie finds from barman Sean that May-31-2010-Gunpoint Underworld will be closed for two weeks to fix the roof and lets Tony know all.

In prison, Tony’s eating his lunch and provokes another inmate into fighting him.  A brawl breaks out with Tony in the middle, and as the guard breaks it up, Tony feigns a heart attack and an ambulance is called.  As Tony is riding in the ambulance, Robbie is waiting in a van nearby, and manages to run the ambulance to a stop at a dead road.  With gun and a balaclava, Robbie holds up the EMT and the guard until Tony escapes.  They open the back of the van, and ride away onMay-31-2010-Carla-Scared motorcycle towards Coronation Street.  Good grief! 

Carla’s good mood was brought down a notch, as the police arrived at Underworld to tell her that Tony’s escaped.  The police go to see Roy Cropper next to let him know about Tony’s escape, and Roy’s just as terrified as Carla. 

It’s the Alahan’s moving day and it’s not going smoothly.  Dev has got a truck full and is not happy to see that all of Maria’s things are still in the house!  Before he busts a vein, Sunita tells him to go to the shop and she’ll sort it.  Alone, with the twins at the house, Sunita tries calling the pick-up men.  She walks out into the yard and finds a strange man with an injury who claims to be a friend of Jack Duckworth’s who’s just been robbed in the ginnel.  The man, of course, is Tony Gordon looking around Maria’s place.  Or what he thought was Maria’s place.  Sunita sees the state he’s in, and of course does not know who he really is, and takes him in for a cup of water and a rest.  Sunita May-31-2010-Tony-Sunita wants to call an ambulance for this man, but she can’t find her mobile.  Tony learns from Sunita that Maria’s gone to Ireland to stay with family and they’re the new owners.  Sunita tells the man, how Maria’s boyfriend was a nasty piece of work – some nutter who’s in jail now.  She says he was everyone’s  pal in the pub but a complete control freak behind closed doors as Tony grits his teeth.  She says Dev reckoned that Maria was with him only until something better came along – ouch!  Dev calls and Sunita tells him how she’s got a friend of Jack Duckworth’s there who was robbed in the ginnel.  Dev doesn’t think anything of it until Claire comes in and tells him that Tony’s escaped from prison and he quickly puts two and two together thinking that Tony would go right back to his old house.  As he storms in, Tony’s already escaped out the back and Sunita feels sick for letting a murderer in her house with her children.  Dev immediately calls the police who arrive promptly.  Carla sees the that police are at Dev’s and that Tony’s been on the street already and starts to really freak out. 

It’s the day of Gail’s big trial, and her cellmate tries to encourage her, but Gail’s white as a sheet.  Tracy insists to Deidre that she’s telling the truth in courtMay-31-2010-Tracy today.  Deirdre’s not sure who to believe, but she’ll be there in court to see it all pan out.  Before the trials, Gail’s solicitors tell her that she needs to convince the jury that they can trust her, and that is most important.  Gail is prepared, as she can be, and enters her trial.  In the peanut gallery, you’ll find Nick Tilsley, Audrey Roberts, Ken and Deirdre Barlow, along with Norris, and to his shock – Mary Taylor – and some latecomers Eileen and Jason Grimshaw.  Norris looks to be taking up Blanche’s old court-going hobby with a sandwich and his phone on twitter and all!   The prosecution delivers their case, and Gail does her best to sit silent.  Tracy Barlow takes the stand – and lies – and Gail can’t help herself and screams that Tracy is lying.  After being told to keep quiet, Gail’s defence rips apart Tracy’s statement anyhow, since she is a convicted murderer and has lied in the past.  It only depends on who the jury trusts now: Tracy, or Gail? 

May-31-2010-Tina It’s Tina’s turn, and David watches as her and the Grimshaws pile into a cab on the street.  He pleads with her to reconsider trying to take Gail down, but Tina’s got her vengeance on.  On the stand, Tina accused Gail of being a Stepford Wife how she always forgave Joe for everything and that it was rather desperate.  After a brutal cross examination, the defence accuses Tina of being the Stepford Wife, and how she couldn’t be happy to realized that she was only the third priority to Joe, behind himself and Gail since she felt she was the apple of his eye.  The defence accuses Tina of deflecting the blame for her father’s demise not on him, as she should have, but on Gail – the one woman who stood by her father as much as she did. 



- Eddie Windass’s cooking apron, making macaroons while listening to Madonna.

- Norris taking on Blanche’s old court-going hobby.  I hope he brought a Maeve Binchy with that sandwich, since the first part is always quite boring so I’veMay-31-2010-Eddie-Arpon heard. 

- Eddie Windass tells Roy that the sooner his missus takes him back the better since his face would stop a clock, and Roy recites a Robert Burns quote to himself: “Oh wad some power the giftie gie us to see oursel’s as others see us! “

- Roy suggesting that Eddie use shredding coconut in his macaroons, to get the best fragrance.  Eddie didn’t, and dumps the coconut he’s got in the trash.  Who knew he was such a perfectionist? 

- Tracy’s a cow, but did anyone else think Kate Ford (actress who plays Tracy) looking lovely in court?

- Sunita unknowingly telling Tony how everyone thought he was a nasty piece of work and a nutter who was a control freak behind closed doors as he grits hisMay-31-2010-Tina-Skirt teeth. 


- I’m sorry, sensational as it was, that Tony-breakout story was just so un-freakin-believable! 

- Dev freaking out over the move, although, when doesn’t he freak out?  The guy could squash a grape and freak out.

- Now, I’ve never had to give testimony in court, but if I had, I probably wouldn’t be doing it in a python mini-skirt.  What on earth was Tina wearing? 


  1. Wow Sunita was a bit irresponsible letting a strange man into her home with two kids? Agree the Tony break out is very contrived and unbelievable, am enjoying it though. I think Kate Ford was hired more for her looks than her acting skills Yoork and havent the Weatherfield's finest ever heard of DNA evidence, they seem to be stuck in the 70s, Life on Mars! LOL

  2. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a218059/corrie-link-to-real-life-jail-escape.html

    Escape not so unrealistic now? :p

  3. That may be, but the escape still felt a bit dumb. However, it's tv and we shall accept this one. I don't accept that Sunita would not recognize a man who's face would have been all over the newspapers less than a year ago and who terrorized people that she knew in a neighbourhood where she once lived and where the father of her children has been living. Looking forward to the rest of the week!

    I thought Gail's defence team did a very good job of discrediting both Tracy and Tina and they both knew it! I don't really believe Norris would Twitter but it's fun following it!

    I also don't believe that Eddie, a master baker, would not know how to bake the perfect macaroon with the correct kind of coconut. Roy makes breakfasts and meals, not sweets. I'm sure he probably gets the cakes from a bakery.

  4. Haha, didn't Eddie drop his fag in it n all?

  5. I think the reason Eddie dumped the macaroons was largely because he dropped his fag in the mixture. I think he was going to just remove it (or mix it in), but then the wrong kind of coconut was just the "nail in the coffin".
