Tuesday 1 June 2010

Life is looking up for Bev Callard

Bev Callard has had a very rough year. But things are looking up. She's released a best selling autobiography(The bookstore had autographed copies so I bought myself one!) and now she's gushing with excitement. She's going to marry the man that has been a rock of support to her, Jon McEwan, her boyfriend of 7 years (and she's got one diamond in her engagement ring for every year!). He proposed on the beach in Spain and she's been giddy ever since. Aw, isn't it nice to see her so happy after the nightmare she managed to get through? This will be her fourth marraige and she's determined to have a blow out big party this time around, including 18 bridesmaids, so she says. Maybe she's exaggerating a bit, but she sure sounds happy and we wish her all the best! Check out the interview in the Mirror, there's lots of background on Bev and on her thoughts about Liz McDonald, her character on Coronation Street.

1 comment:

  1. 4th marriage? God, what has she done in life of note that warrants an autobiography?

    Much, much better people than her haven't written books.

    She just seems like a silly, dim-witted older woman who hasn't learned anything about men.
