Tuesday 8 June 2010

Leanne and Nick back together again?

With Grandad George back on the scene soon when Leanne ropes him in to help out Nick with Underworld, does this signal the return of a romance for the ex-Mr and Mrs Tilsley?

In this picture here, it looks like Nick and Peter are squaring up for a Coronation Street man-fight (in the pub, where else?) so could Leanne and Nick be back on the cards? And what'll Gail say (if she ever gets out of jail?). Could be fun and one to watch.

See also: The truth about Leanne and Corrie's nasty Nick.


  1. Oh, I sincerely hope not! I love Leanne and Peter together. Leave them alone!

  2. I also like Peter and Leanne together, so hope they work it out - but either way I'm really looking forward to a Barlow storyline again.

  3. David Cameroon8 June 2010 at 10:55

    Why on earth would Leanne be interested in Nerdy Nick when she has Peter, another unbelievable story, Corrie is not at its best at the moment.

  4. I don't think it'll happen, but I think Nick will definitely come between the two - especially with this Granddad George business, and their past history will be considered in Peter's mind.

  5. Leanne and Peter are a great couple. Really hope they stay together.
