Thursday 3 June 2010

John Stape's deadly secret

There's a sinister Coronation Street spoiler in today's Star. They reckon that John Stape hides the dead body of his ex-colleague Colin Fishwick in the wreckage of Underworld when it blows up this week.

John stole Colin’s identity so he could continue working as a teacher after his release from jail but the paper says that he goes into meltdown when Colin Fishwick unexpectedly returns from Canada. And the paper exclusively reveals that Fishwick will end up dead after the two men clash.

Desperate to buy himself some time, Stape hides the dead body in the factory, which is being reconstructed after it exploded during the siege. Builders at the site pour concrete over the exact spot where he’s hidden Fishwick’s body, burying it forever. Run, Fiz, run!


  1. Blimey! Will the high drama never end??!!

  2. for pity's sake, will this man ever learn?

  3. Not sure how believable this is but haven't we been here before? When Rita went on the run to get away from Alan Bradley, many people thought he'd killed her and dumped her body in the demolished factory.

  4. Richard Hillman buried his ex-wife in concrete at his construction site. Ugh, I wish they would just bury this storyline. Teachers all over the States are being laid off due to the economy; wouldn't a lay off make more sense than continuing this drivel?

  5. On the other hand, if true, then it makes him a killer (even if it was manslaughter and accidental) and it means he'll eventually get caught and LEAVE!!!! Thank heavens for that. We'll have to suffer Fiz wailing for awhile but maybe she'll finally find a normal bloke that will give her back her life and backbone

  6. Ludicrous. They've shown Stape to be a mild-mannered chap who wouldn't hurt a fly (not even Rosie!). It is simply not within the character, as written so far, to kill someone. Far better to have had him killed off trying to save someone in the fire, and die a hero, rather than written out as a murderer.

  7. Isnt the factory due to blow up some time this week (delayed episodes permitting). Surely there wouldnt be enough time for the Fishwick comes back story. I read that one of Stape's colleagues finds out and blackmails him.

  8. I think it's a body to be buried during the reconstruction of Underworld, not during the explosion. Absolutely it's ludicrous even if it's an accidental death. Of course he'll want to cover it up because otherwise he'd get caught in all his lies. I hate hate hate Stape

  9. how stupid johns not a killer thwyve made him into a mad man-poor fiz why wont they leave it alone

  10. John might not do it on purpose, he might push Colin, Colin hits his head and dies, then John panics

  11. I like the blackmail idea better. Either way, he's going to have to end up either getting killed off, or sent away for life. I really enjoy Stape so I will miss him!
