Friday 28 May 2010

Spot the Corrie Prop - May 28

Last week's Spot the Prop was more of a brain teaser, wasn't it? Still, one Anonymous commenter got it right, well done! The first picture of Mr Juicie lives in the back room of Dev's corner shop and the second one, the clock, is on the wall in Streetcars.

This week's prop will probably take more deductive reasoning rather than remembering where you've seen it. I took this photo while on the outdoor Coronation Street set a couple of weeks ago while looking up at some of the windows. In whose window do you think this romantic statue would appear?


  1. Is it Maria's house?

  2. Maria's bedroom i thought..

  3. I think No. 7's, cos it's different brickwork to the other houses, since Len Fairclough built it in 1982, the other houses are 80 years older.
