Friday 7 May 2010

Oh, Sean

I adore Sean. Well, I adore Antony Cotton and have done since I saw him in Queer As Folk at my tender age of 14. I love Sean but I think he's criminally underused. I would love for him to find a lovely man, get married and settle down - maybe they could move into the Peacocks' house if they are definitely leaving? I hate how Sean is mostly just a spare part and mostly - sadly - just the funny gay man who ribs the factory girls. I have a lot of issues with GLBT issues in Coronation Street anyway, but that's a different post.

But, aww. Tonight's first episode showed Sean being allowed to show some feelings for a change! He was complaining about Becky being all: "Baby baby baby," without any regards to his feelings as an absentee father. I forget sometimes about that kid. He must miss him. (Was he called Dylan?) Maybe we could have a storyline about Sean pushing for access?

Side note, I once saw Violet and Jamie (Jenny Platt and Rupert Hill) at a Ryan Adams gig in Manchester. It was shortly before they left Corrie. It was very surreal.


  1. Yes we sometimes forget that he has a lil'un as Corrie haven't mentioned it since Violet and Jamie left! Rediculous that he randomly brings it up now.

  2. What brought all that on with Sean wallowing in self pity all of a sudden. I like Sean but only in small doses. Would Violet really put all her details on Facebook if she didnt want to be found?

  3. Rebecca, you say "I have a lot of issues with GLBT issues in Coronation Street anyway, but that's a different post." I think it's a post that must be written and look forward to reading it a lot.

    Also, I know what you mean by surreal, I once saw Liam Connor at a gig and that was weird.

  4. It might have been believable if Sean had so much as mentioned the baby during the past three years. But he hasn't. So instead it comes off simply as a way to have another small storyline for Sean. It won't go anywhere, as I seriously doubt either Violet or Jamies are going to reappear, and it'll end with Sean broken-hearted one episode and bright as a button the next.

  5. It annoys me he is just there for no reason.He gets a few lines in the rovers or the factory and thats it! His character is going nowhere which is a shame :(

  6. I'll certainly have a go at writing a GLBT post for the blog - not sure I'll do it any justice but I promise I will try!

  7. im not that bothered about sean anymore and why the mention all of a sudden of his baby i think in fridays ep he searches for violet on facebook and there she is!

    highly unlikely seeing as she wanted to run away with his child

    like she'd be so open to be publicly found like that-i hope theyre not going down that route again i hated the baby storyline
