Friday 28 May 2010

Izzy and her disability

I meant to write this post last week, but forgot, and have just been reminded now, after Izzy told Kirk about her disability (after inadvertently putting her foot in it by saying she was disabled in a hit and run, just like Lee-um). The lovely Bendy Girl, who writes a blog about having Hypermobility type Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, wrote last week about how Izzy's character is supposed to reflect what the actress - Cherylee Houston - has, and that is Hypermobility syndrome too! She's just told Kirk that she has a 'degenerative disease' so I don't know if they'll go into it further, but I for one am so pleased that she's on the Street!

You can read Bendy Girl's excellent post here.


  1. Hiya! Thanks for the link. I'm just watching both of last night's episodes to try and find the bit Izzy talks about having EDS! Let me know if you'd like anymore information about EDS & I'll get something sorted for you. Thanks again, BendyGirl

  2. If she talks more about it, I would definitely appreciate a whole post about it, about how it might affect her life on the street (ie the cobbles and stuff), things like that :)

  3. That sounds good. But...I give up, which episode was it in please? I've watched both of last night's on itvplayer & must be missing it! BG

  4. DAVID CAMEROOON29 May 2010 at 09:58

    If she wants people to take this seriously why the stupid line that she was the victim of a hit and run, not funny.

  5. It was in the second ep, and nearing the end, after the commercials I'd say. Carla and Trevor were sitting in the Rovers in a booth, then Kirk and Izzy were at a different table, and Kirk asked her.

  6. I must be having a really bad day because I've now watched both episodes several times and still can't see the clip! Oh dear.

    @DavidCamerooon I've still not managed to find the clip so can't be sure...but disabled people get asked about their disabilities all the time, mostly in inappropriate situations. If you have a less well known condition such as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome that requires explanation giving a glib line about car crashes/eaten by crocodiles etc is often the easiest way to deflect such attention without offending.

  7. I don't remember Izzy saying she had that particular syndrome but she did say it was something genetic. I'll have to watch again too.

  8. Yeah she didn't say that in particular, she said it was degenerative. I'm going off other articles that say the actress has that and so the character reflects that.

  9. Ah. Thanks for that. She seems a good actress so far and i think i'll like the character but it's early days.

  10. driving a wheelchair over them cobblestones must be hell - it is better that viewers learn of her specific disabilities over time - people ask me why my wife's in a wheelchair and 99% of the time I know they don't want a long-winded explanation so you just say something brief in order to get on to another subject. The ones genuinely interested will probe more at a later date.
