Sunday 30 May 2010

Corrie's Hotting Up

I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but after the highs of the Norris/Mary storyline I've not found Corrie very inspiring lately. I was saddened by the ruining of John Stape in the utterly implausible Fishwick fiasco a few weeks back, with plot-holes you could drive a tank through, and my ears are still hurting from straining to hear Gail in the "Joe's a Good Man" carry-on. The addition of Tracy Barlow as Gail's nemesis, divulging that the rolling pin was the supposed "murder weapon" (and yes, I do realise that Gail didn't do it!) was dire. (The two coppers are good, mind!) Tina McIntyre is driving me up the wall - yes, I know she's just lost her dad, but her face would curdle milk just now. I'm not liking her embryonic relationship with Graeme, either, much. The adoption storylines - well, they seem to be on the back-burner just now and thank goodness for small mercies.
So, what does Corrie have going for it at the moment? The upcoming hostage and fire storylines sound highly entertaining. Okay, they're sensationalist and very OTT by Corrie standards, but the excellent actors involved will make it worth watching as far as I'm concerned. Gray O'Brien has always been a class act on Corrie. As a bog standard Corrie fan with no insider knowledge, I don't know who's for the chop this week, but I for one would be very sorry to see him go. Alison King has also been terrific, and I don't want to lose her either (I want to see if her voice can get any more nasal! and what was she like, tottering across the cobbles on those heels?!). And on the humour/day to day life level which Corrie does so well, the Windasses are terrific, so here's hoping they've got their asbestos suits handy.
On a controversial note, I'd be happy to see Hayley go. I'm finding her annoying these days. But, that seems unlikely given the rumours earlier this year of a big Roy/Hayley wedding. I'd also happily wave goodbye to Becky Macdonald, but that ain't gonna happen either. Whatever, I'm going to be glued to ITV at 9pm every night this week.


  1. I've also found Corrie boring these past weeks, after the classic Rita/Audrey fall out and Blanche's death in April and early May. The humour as kept me loyal, rather than the dire drama.

  2. I agree with CSC above. The Gail/Tracy story is laughable and Tracy's acting is like a bad am dram panto villan. The Roy/Haily story has come out of nowhere and is boring me senseless. I am fed up with Madam Mcintyresome with her sense of entitlement and treating everyone around her like something to be used and cast aside. Have an open mind about the Tony story, his prison mate is a good character I have to say but Tony was so contrite to the point of handing himself in so why the sudden about turn wanting "revenge"? It would be good if a surprise were in store, not something that has been read about in the papers/magazines months before.

  3. Like all long running serials, the storyline ebbs and flows. There's often an ebb after a major flow, to get ready for the next "high", which we're seeing this week. Some stories do seem to be filler and then sometimes seem to get dropped altogether. I expect John Fishwick's story will be picked up again. AFter all, it's a soap. He will get found out, probably sooner than later. Pleeeese can they send him back to prison again and pleeeese can we get our Fiz bomb back again?

  4. Good post, I think you really summed up a lot of people's hang ups with Corrie at the moment. I think the biggest problem is that a lot of the plots are quite unrealistic. Hopefully the Tony siege week will be so good that we can suspend our sense of reality for a few days :)

    I would love Becky to go away too!

  5. I am pretty good at suspending disbelief... but the whole Tracy/Gail story is utterly ridiculous. It doesn't help that I've always found the actress that plays Tracy quite dire and one-note (ooh! Look at me! I'm evil and scheming!), who was clearly hired more for her face than her talent.. the whole "known pathological liar manufacturing evidence" story just makes me angry.
    On the other hand, I am completely willing to suspend disbelief for the Tony escaping jail story!!!
    Rebecca in TO
