Sunday 16 May 2010

Corrie fans vote to save Ashley from the chop

In the latest poll here on the Coronation Street blog, we asked fans which one of the five soon-to-be-axed characters they would save if they could. 459 fans voted with the majority opting to save Ashley Peacock from the chop (I agree).

Here's how the voting went:

Ashley Peacock, 30%
Molly Dobbs, 25%
Natasha the hairdresser, 24%
Trevor the binman, 12%
Claire Peacock, 9%


  1. Funny how people are so set against Claire. I didn't mind the character until they began to turn her into a loopy/dreary housewife.

  2. Save Natasha! She's single, fun, the most potential for more character development.

  3. Walzing Matilda17 May 2010 at 08:15

    Save Ashley if need be but Claire has to go! Too irritating and pointless.

  4. I have to disagree! I voted to save Claire as I think she can be extremely funny when not depressed. Disappointed to see her at the bottom of the list.

  5. I voted for Claire as well, as I always enjoy watching her - although I'd also like Ashley to stay too. Natasha WAS okay till they started making her Nick's doormat. Can live without Trev. and Molly.

  6. I hate them all except ashleh! Natasha has been terriblke since she started that romance with tony gordon. And Trev got more votes than claire! blimey
