Tuesday 11 May 2010

Betty in her Younger Days

We all know that Coronation Street's Betty Driver is in her prime right now, but there is a nice photo of her early on in her career, when she was a singer, here.

I don't think they did pole dancing, in those days, but if they did, Betty would have been brilliant. (Mind you, in my view she's got too much class to go down that route!)
There is an album around, called Betty Driver - the Girl from the Street.
It seems to be unavailable at the moment. Does anyone have a copy?


  1. The album isn't available from Amazon UK but you can download the album as MP3 for £7.49 from them.

  2. pole dancing? betty? Have I stumbled across the wrong blog? ;-)

  3. Having delved a bit more, I see it was on Ebay a while back, and I guess that it was maybe first released in 1948 and re-released on CD in 1996. It's supposed to be Vera Lynn style. I'm surprised she's never burst into song on Corrie?
    re. pole dancing - I reckon it's all the veg. that makes her so healthy and supple.

  4. Wasn't she a dish back in the day.

  5. Betty looks great, old and young!
