Saturday 24 April 2010

Eddie Windass in Clean Dressing Gown Shock

Oh, how I love him! Anyone else's eyes pop out when Eddie Windass appeared in his dressing gown again last night? It was flapping open - as usual - and revealed, surprisingly, amazingly, a set of clean, white, matching undies, i.e. white vest and y-fronts. What surprised me even more, was that the dressing gown, which seemed to be the same one worn in the episode when he was dumping his rubbish in other people's bins (go Eddie!), seemed clean? I suppose it makes sense - even Eddie's not going to wear a minging dressing gown over a clean set of undies. Anna must be managing to get a load in the washing machine when he's having a kip on the sofa. Or maybe I'm being unfair. Maybe Eddie's added laundering to his baking talents.

What DIDN'T surprise me, was Eddie saying: "Where's me cheese?" Answers on a postcard, please! (only kidding). My own theory is that Gary is hiding in the attic and surviving on cheese.
I think I also heard a quick mention of evil Len Windass. I wonder if he will re-appear, as part of the Gary AWOL storyline? Personally, I hope he does. I thought he made a great Corrie villain.


  1. Eddie and Anna and Gary are good characters but I cannot stand Len. As a character he has no depth and I just find him annoying. I hope he's gone for good.

  2. Oh god that scene with the Yfronts was just wrong! lol ick ick ick

  3. The scene with the y-fronts - LOL - at least they were white!

    I too hope the dire Uncle Len is not returning.
