Saturday 20 March 2010

Luke Strong in Titanic

I thought it was him... any other saddos like me Google it to double check, after watching James Cameron's Titanic on telly for the umpteenth time this evening? Craig Kelly's a wireless operator.

Sadly missed as Luke Strong on Coronation Street - and what a brilliant name Luke Strong is. Sounds like it was taken straight from a Mills & Boon.


  1. I don't miss him at all. He always came over as smug and untrustworthy. Now Bernard Hill, pictured as Captain Smith - I'm surprised he has never appeared on the cobbles. Versatile Northern character actor? He was very good in the recent Five Days, acting against former valery Barlow, the sublime Ann Reid. Or am I wrong? Has he sneaked in in some small capacity in his younger days? Anyone know?

  2. I checked IMDB. He doesn't have a listing for Corrie so if he was ever in it, it was uncredited. My favourite of his films is Shirley Valentine but i agree, he's a top actor.

  3. Hmm, I could see him as a foil for Rita - once she's got this plummy gigalo out of her system ... ;)

  4. Actually...Tony "dodgy-eyed" Gordon (Gray O'Brien) is also in Titanic...he's the lifeboat crewmate how shoots in the air to stop people from boarding...his line is "get back!...get back! the lot of ya!" This is in the early stages of the sinking...sorry no screen grab.

    I caught that one, and my wife was duly impressed!
