Tuesday 23 February 2010

Trevor the binman - Carla or Janice?

So, who do you think Trevor the binman should be with then - Carla or Janice? From this picture today in The Sun they say that Trevor and Carla will go on a date and she shuns trendy wine bars for a proper pub crawl. But what'll he think when he finds out she's the Underworld boss and not the scrubber cleaner he thinks she is?

And what about poor Janice and the kittens?


  1. Willie Eckerslike23 February 2010 at 11:16

    Sorry but havent we already done this one?

  2. Quite an obvious choice don't you think...Carla or Janice...hmm, let me think.

  3. Carla is obviously more attractive and successful than Janice. But, yesterday Trevor repeated Janice's opinion of Carla, and it was spot on! Trev seems very down to earth, and if he got to know the real Carla, I'm not sure he would like her.

  4. I'm confused as to why Carla's into Trevor. I mean, sure I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers, but she's so stuck up. She shoots down Ciaran and NuNick, then is all over Trevor?

  5. Carla has a working class background, however. She grew up around binmen and everyday working blokes. I"m sure she's in it for a bit of rough and tumble fun moreso than anything special.

    Ciaran was full of blarney, and i wouldn't call NuNick all that handsome really. I rather like Trev, and boy is he tall!

  6. Who should Carla be with...

    1. if she was with nick it would be a stormy relationship

    2. if she was with Ciaran they would get along well but it would probablly mean another fight with Michelle.

    3. if she was with Trevor of which she is she would have a battle with Janice on her hands.

    I would like to see another cat fight with Michelle and think she would be good with Ciaran or and i dont mind her being with Trevor... but not nick even thogh i can bet that it will happen at some point!

    I know this hasn't got anything to do with it but I also think we need to see some scenes between Becky and Carla because we havent seen that for two or three years! :)

  7. Good heavens, she'd eat Nick up for breakfast!
