Tuesday 23 February 2010

More heartbreak for Eileen

Already humiliated by Jesse deciding to take his parents on holiday rather than her, Eileen is in for further heartache from her relationship with the children's entertainer, when she discovers he is a love cheat, Inside Soap reports.

You'd have thought she'd learnt her lesson after his antics over the holiday but it looks to me like she's set to take him back on his return only to face the further embarrassment of him doing the dirty on her. Will she ever find happiness with a fella?


  1. Willie Eckerslike23 February 2010 at 12:34

    This is dragging this story out and is ridiculous if its true, although I thought John Thompson had now left. I think the character of Eileen is somebody that perhaps had her day in the Street and be written out. I find her most unattractive.

  2. I'm not really interested in this storyline either. It's a shame because I think Eileen is essentially a good character, but TPTB don't seem to know how to develop her, which sometimes results in Eileen coming across as an unpleasant character IMO.

  3. She's now finished with him. If she takes him back or nearly, and discovers he's been cheating, is it cheating if they've been split? "On a break" that is. Unless she finds out he was cheating on her all along and by that time, so what? They've already split so it kind of makes it a moot point.

  4. Oh, seriously? I thought i'd seen the back of Jesse once and for all.

  5. Totally agree with Willie.

    The picture of her on this thread is exactly how I always see her. Ugly, miserable, moaning old bag.
