Friday 19 February 2010

John Stape risks prison again

There's a nice little spoiler in the Daily Star today following on from the recent spoiler that said John was going to try to get back into teaching.

The paper says that John panics when he is branded a pervert for hanging around outside a school. But there's more to it than that. It seems that the only way John can get back into teaching is by stealing another teacher’s identity so he can get a job. Oh dear.


  1. John Stape is another of my favourite characters. Glad he's getting a storyline - sounds like it could be a "School of Rock" scenario - except, with Eng. Lit. instead of "Rock"?! Long may he tread the cobbles.

  2. I'm a fan of John Stape too. I hope he doesn't go back to prison, I would miss him. Just keep the little tart away from him.

  3. Count me as one of the nay sayers. What a stupid storyline! He's an idiot!

  4. Oh what a tangled web....

  5. I'm with Tvor...I don't really care about John. For someone who's supposed to be intelligent, he is very stupid.

  6. I agree with nay sayers. I find John Stape to be conceited, boring, not very intelligent and condescending at times. He's taken the Fiz out of Fiona Stape, and I was shocked that even the airhead Rosie Webster was even interested in him to begin with. Blah, blah, blah. Now we have another dumb storyline for him. I feel as though they tried to make him a "Junior Ken" character, but are failing miserably if that's the case.

  7. I like that he's got "two sides" - evil John and "normal" (well, sort of) John. He's been "normal John" in the cafe for quite a while - I'm glad he's "on the turn" again!
