Tuesday 9 February 2010

Are (Is?) "Stecky" the new "Brangelina"?

If you read my post last week on speculation about Steve and Becky's future as parents, you may recall my prediction/wish that Becky and Steve adopt a child that needs a good home. Well, I think my soap sensors were firing on all cylinders because in today's Daily Star comes a spoiler that they will do just that. After they find out that Becky can't carry a child, Steve suggests the adoption. Becky rejects the idea but good old Roy and Hayley, with all their experience and shattered adoption dreams, make her see the benefits. According to that same article, the producers thought about doing an adoption with Liz last year. I think it makes a lot more sense with Steve and Becky.


  1. Willie Eckerslike9 February 2010 at 12:04

    I am really fed up with Steve and Becky now to be honest, lets have a rest from their manic up down relationship please.

  2. I agree with comments above...

    If it was any other character/couple I would say that it could be an interesting storyline. But as it's Steve/Becky I just think nooooo, please not more storylines for them.

  3. Would two people with criminal records be allowed to adopt a child? I wouldn't think so.

  4. Can only agree with previous comments. I've had enough of Stecky and this adoption carry-on is likely to be nauseating.

  5. Good point about criminal records. I think that was why Roy and Hayley weren't going to persue adoption. But then their brush with the law involved their running off with a foster child so i can understand why they would be prevented from adopting. Still, probably, realistically, they would be prevented but on telly? Hard to say.
