Wednesday 4 November 2009

The Odd Couple: Mon Nov 2, 2009 Corrie Episode Review

Written by Lucy Gannon, directed by Tim Dowd.

Roy is very conflicted over what he'd heard Tony confess the night before in the hospital. He tells Hayley that he believes that Tony confessed to him that he killed Liam Connor. Hayley is sure that Roy heard it wrong, or maybe that Tony was on morphine and not thinking straight. Roy's not convinced. Roy returns to the hospital for Maria's sake, but Tony insists that he see him. Roy sees Tony and Tony makes it clear that he couldn't remember the last night (he could), and that Roy must understand that he may not have meant or know what he was saying (he didn't). Tony tries to seal the deal with a donation to Roy's charity of choice. Roy reluctantly accepts, if only for Maria's sake. Poor Roy, what will be do with this dangerous knowledge? The man who knew too much.

Jake stays the night, much to Ryan's chagrin. Michelle shoos him away before breakfast. Later, Jake goes into Dev's to drop off his bill for the roof, but it's not what Dev was quoted, so Dev refuses to pay. Later in the day, Bill lets Dev know that half of his roof is now missing, with a laugh that says: "I told ya so." Dev finally pays Jake, and Jake's off to Glasgow for the next job. But not without climbing a ladder up to Michelle's window and asking her to leave her life to go with him. She tells him no, but he says he'll be back. Not if I had my way!

Jesse and Julie are still performing children's shows together behind Eileen's back. They discuss their next show out front of Eileen's, and Eileen spies them through the window, clearly jealous. She asks Jesse what Julie wanted, and Jesse said she just wanted to say hello. Eileen remarked that it was a long hello. Jesse said he saw the sequel too, the long goodbye. Haha. Later, Jesse and Julie are having a good time after their performance, and Jesse remarks they make a great pair. Julie agrees then tells him to get out of the van so that she can change. Jesse sneaks a glance back into the van when she turns her back. Could Eileen's suspicions be accurate?

Leanne and Peter are still stewing over the fact that they can't get a loan, in a bad economy, to open a bar. Whilst they are outside with Simon, a mystery man approaches them. The mystery man is George, Simon's granddad - Lucy's father. George wants a place in Simon's life, and after some hesitation, Peter gives him some length, but doesn't look sure about it. Could there be more to George than meets the eye?

Gail and Joe finally finish the boat! Hurrah. David even helps out, after arriving with new girlfriend Zoe, whom takes an immediate liking to Gail. Who doesn't like Gail, besides Eileen? I wonder when they'll set off for that virgin voyage?

- Roy and Tony's exchanged knowing glances in Maria's presence. Well, Tony had a glance of menace, and Roy a glance of pure terror. I laughed at bit at this scene, call me insensitive.
- Jake stayed the night! I called it! Oh, Michelle, you're so predictable. And Ryan, telling her she's "well over the limit" with her unscrupulous behavior. Is anyone else sick of Michelle?
- Sally asserting her authority over the factory workers in Tony's absence. She'd have made an excellent drill sergeant. Missed her calling.
- Bill watching Dev get his comeupance in the form of a missing roof. Great stuff, there. I love seeing Dev in a tizzy.
- Gail dressed in old coveralls, wellies and mask to help Joe out with the boat. The couple that plays together, stays together.

- Roy's burden that he now has to carry, knowing the truth about Liam Connor's death.
- Tony making devil deals with Roy to keep silent. Oh, can he get worse?
- Jesse taking a peek at Julie changing, and obviously has a thing for her. The cad! Where does Eileen find these guys?
- Jake coming to Michelle's window and asking her to stuff her entire life to go to Glasgow with him, then when she says no, he promises to return. How 'bout no? Hit the road Jake!
- Leanne still stewing about not getting a loan for their bar. Peter telling her that no one's giving credit in this economy for someone to open a bar. Do you ever stop and question WHY that is?

For those who prefer the scenic route, check out the full review scene by scene here.


  1. Let me get this right with Jake's final bill, did he charge Dev for the time he spent in the police station after Michelle got him arrested? And Dev paid it?? Should have gone to Bill Webster. Jessee is turning into a right creep, Eileen sure does pick em, like her new hair by the way!

  2. Been sick of Michelle from day one. It seems to me that there is the personality of a very selfish and vain person playing the role of a very selfish and vain person. Definitely an antagonist which helps the show along, I suppose, but, as in real life, a character that many wish would stay away. Man, I was hoping she'd go with Jake and be gone from the show...

  3. I don't think Jesse is a creep. He's just falling for the more exuberant, more vivacious Julie than glum Eileen. Julie at first annoyed me with her big mouth, big hair, and exaggerated emotions...but like most if not all the Corrie characters...they grow on me. She's fun. I hope there's an un-affair or non-affair between her and Jesse in that Eileen is absolutely convinced that the two are at it and tries to prove it when all they're doing is working together...

  4. Walzing Matilda, Jake presented a bill to Dev that included his time in Her Majesty's Pleasure (police station/jail) when it was his fault by pushing it -- the police were prepared to just let things go when he pressed it and KISSED Michelle out there in the street! And no Dev didn't pay the bill because that's stupid! So Jake took the tiles off the roof I guess as compensation --what a shyster -- I wouldn't hire someone like him! Maybe Bill Webster, if he reallly needed the work should have given Dev a little discount and he would have gotten the work. It's a tough economy, even at the Cobbles!
