Sunday 15 November 2009

Helen Flanagan's stocking tops and lollipop

One of the things British Sunday taboids do best is publish pictures of people off the telly when they're out having fun on a Saturday night.

And here, from the News of the World, is Helen Flanagan, who plays Coronation Street's Helen Flanagan, showing off her stocking tops and lollipops at a night at the School Disco club.

"She was dancing on her table at one point," said the tabloid insider. Good on her, we say.


  1. Haha. Where does Rosie end and Helen begin?

    That outfit is pure Rosie.

  2. Shame she can't act her way out of a paper bag....

  3. god she so needs a spankin

  4. Let her enjoy it while she can, gather ye rosebuds!
