Thursday 29 October 2009

This is a picture of a smug, selfish head

It was a Daran Little written episode and, to paraphrase, "it is marvellous in our eyes". Daran always writes really good stuff and this was more of the same. Our blogger Yoork is Captain of Team Pam and most of the people watching last night probably are too, me included! If she were the subject of a grand, Biblical painting, she'd be Salome with the head of Kevin Webster on a plate, such was the result of her tearing several strips off him with the oily hands. She had him bang to rights, and really nailed it. Middle aged, bored, looking for spice. Molly flirts with him and he jumps in with both feet so she, young, bored and looking for spice, jumps in after him. As much as they keep saying they love each other, Molly thinks naively it's all going to work out and they'll be together forever.

I'm watching and thinking, 'Kevin, you know damn well you're never going to leave Sally'. If he had his druthers, he'd never tell Sally. You can tell by the way he accused her of telling Pam on purpose to force the issue. He's all talk and empty promises and Molly's going to wear it when it blows up, far more than Kevin if it's true that she's going to end up pregnant in a cliche, yet classic soap "Who's the Daddy" plot. Not that she has my sympathy. If you will remember, she's the one that started it all with a flirt or two which is typical Molly. She didn't take it seriously until he did and he certainly did, and did all the subsequent chasing but I wonder if, when it comes out, Kevin will blame it on her?


  1. It beggars belief that Molly (or anyone else in soaps engaging in extra-marital nookie) would not be on the pill, or taking other precautions, yet the writers continue to come up with this age-old soap cliche.

  2. I'm SO looking forward to Tyrone decking Kev when he finds out!!

  3. Come on our Pammy - more more more please. This is classic Corrie. Team Pam hurrah.
